成為眾矢之的... Is there one single ear on Earth that can actually listen to me?? =( 大家(esp 媽媽) 除左將所有野怪罪喺我身上之外, 有無人聽下我講野? 媽媽除左大部分事情都覺得我錯之外, 可唔可以撐我多一點? 明明講左, 又覺得我無講, chi sin 喎. 係咪有D 野誤會左呢? *OMG*
彭盈姿, you are a mistake on the Earth.
You know, at times, I don't need people telling me to do this or that; I just want you to listen to me. Too many problem solvers, too few ears. Oh well, I'll do my part.
爸爸suffers too... 我知道您已經很用心於教會的事上, 請繼續努力. I support you always.
謝謝天父此時此刻安排你在我身邊, 至少你會係肯聽我講野的一個, 至少你聽完我片面之詞之後會係撐我的一個. Thanks gal, you are my buffer zone. We could have been better; but really, it's good enough already. Hey, thanks for thinking of me after you tried the 豬古力fondue; moving to LHS of the continuum? :D
一個禮拜喇... 請好好記住Mar 10 @Elim.
Song of the Day:
"Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" ~ Santa Esmeralda
... please?