近期天氣的週期性失調情況越來越嚴重. 喪好天 -> 喪落雨 -> 喪好天... 聽日會開大定開細呢? 真係"what goes around, comes around" (其實都幾9 唔搭10, 但死都要撻依句出嚟!). 話時話, 第一次接觸依句名句係喺Alanis 嘅歌裡面呢!
謝謝媽媽的愛心蛋治; 令這遲起身的人反而食到比Tim HortonS 更美味的早餐. :)
依期真係用得太多錢喇... =( 食得太多野? 飲得太多野? 買得太多野? All of the above? *sigh* 遲遲未肯(未敢?) register May-Aug semester 嘅course, 因為實在害怕突然間又唔見左一大舊$$. 生活艱難啊. ~_~" 不過我相信我仍然會不斷買野不斷食野不斷飲野; as I said, those are not GAPS between my fingers, but HOLES.
嘩, 機緣巧合之下, 又見! Like 5 days in a row already, not including vball game tomorrow? 大豆講果壇野又真係有根有據架播! 大家個樣都勁殘咁, 真係"錯" 喎. =_=" 為你擔心良久的"蘭西老師監督實習堂", 容乜易又過左! 話左唔駛驚, 驚就3 份嘛! :) 如果我係你, 對住蘭西老師+ 諗起Music & Lyrics, 一定忍唔住喺佢面前爆笑! Too bad, 見唔到Tim HortonS cashier 姐姐.
"wei call me" = demanding?? Gosh, it was THAT close!! @_@"
Got in touch with 2 Docs who both live in West Van. Oh, West Van... 甚麼鬼地方啊??
放工的時候, 見咁好天又咁好陽光, 忍唔住走去唐人街一趟, 諗住睇下MAL 有無筍野, 同埋睇下有無新嘅柯南. 蠢鈍的我仲懶闊佬咁入左50 分鐘的咪錶, 點知, MAL 執左, 皇冠收左鋪! -_-" *想死* 百無聊賴企喺條街度, 茫無頭緒, 走左入去間精品店兜左兩個圈, 去左"華埠商場" 買左兩個麵包, 打左兩鋪機; 無聊死. 臨離開唐人街的時候見到Samuel, 寒喧左幾句, 算係此行最有意義的一件事.
未過足散財癮的我義無反顧再走去Lougheed Mall - 其實係有目的地想睇下有無"Music & Lyrics" 的soundtrack. HMV 真係有啊, 不過$18.99, 唔捨得買. 但係呢, 就俾我came across 一隻正野; thanks to HMV 試聽的machine! 很期待聽朝番工的時候可以聽! :) 因為試聽完之後真正中意隻碟而買, 點都興奮過盲頭烏蠅咁求其買隻碟番嚟. Btw, 好中意隻碟勁彩色勁靚啊!

Song of the Day:
"Way Back Into Love" ~ Music and Lyrics OST
... 想再聽多次"Sticky 'n Steamy remix" 版. XD
i am trying super hard to keep a straight face in front of nancy teacher.........
the crab looks really good, mrs pang is very talented wor!!!
how come u have so much time to "hea" after work????
I can't do anything in weeknights....-_-|||
haha, there you go, corinne bailey rae is not that bad jei :P
ooo...MIKA...love his voice, super high pitch haha, btw i think he's quite cute hahaha~~~
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