FISHLAMB'S MoMoLiu Blahtology

Saturday, January 07, 2006

十分relaxed 的星期六, 不過要早起去補習-_-". 其實我自覺為我D 學生付出都唔少, 但總係只會得來negative 的feedback; 我的命運.

多謝結他Miss 個女教我彈"Come Now Is the Time to Worship"! Gal, you really ROCK! 唉, 自卑.

暫時從AWANA 抽身兩個月, 靠你喇Nenson! Plus, thanks for buying the stuff for me :D.

MV 好看嗎? Too bad we can't watch them together.

Song of the Day:
"禁色" ~ hocc & 黃耀明
出自hocc 呃fans 錢的"第二版"CD, 真係離晒譜.
Shouldn't they give the BEST to the hardcore fans who will always buy the FIRST edition?!

Friday, January 06, 2006

今日終於做得晒我喺個list 度寫左我要做嘅野, 竟然連MOCAP 我都搞得掂, 應該要獎D 野俾自己(最後我嘅獎品係Robbie Williams 嘅CD). 感謝神. 不過遲D 到Ministry 有cheque 嚟嘅時候, 我死10 次都唔夠. *SIGH*


1st night @Titus, 感覺還好. 分左去個好group, 有得同我偶像一組之餘, 仲有兩個成熟穩重嘅組長. 聽住佢地講野, 突然間覺得自己好渺小, 仲發覺原來雖然我之前喺Joshua 裡面似乎係負責input 嘅, 但係其實我俾到班團友仔嘅野真係少之又少. 的確係時候sit back & relax & 學下野. 好耐都未試過成晚嘅團契裡面我都係坐喺度. 要好好enjoy. 不過佢地有D 人嘅年紀又真係好似同我都差一截咁, 有D 奇怪.

Quote of the Day:
"喂我一陣先call 你丫, 我電緊髮呀!" ~ Nenson

Song of the Day:
"爛" ~ 陳奕迅
依首歌擺喺第一首真係一個一絕嘅編排. 出色.
再聽U87 就更覺"聽聽"& "人神鬥" 錄得Eason 把聲好遠;
可能監製無用U87 嚟幫Eason 錄音.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

忙得不可開交. 開始嚴重地實在地覺得我被ripped off: 一人分飾兩角不特止仲要做R14 做嘅野, 但我拎嘅人工只係R9 仲要係casual employee, paying $8/day for parking (like doubled what regular full time employees pay). What the heck is that?!

寫低左諗住今日要做7 樣野, 最後只做到3 樣, 其餘嘅時間就係用嚟接電話, 覆emails etc. 長此下去, 希望我的英文會有進步:p. 阿Todd 係咁過嚟嘈我, 話我好唔搬過去坐Michelle 個位; come on, what's the point of doing that when, maybe a week later, I need to move again to 4th Floor?! Can't he just leave me alone? =_="

May 姐又真係好串(again), esp with her 天鵝絨CK 棒球jacket, and when she said that she'll be living in hotel when she visits HK but she doesn't need to pay a buck for that. 確係有$$ 人, 仲要係有人貼的有$$ 人.

聽日將會踏足Titus Fellowship... 好似無乜期待的感覺.

Defrosted Album of the Day:
"打得火熱" ~ 陳奕迅
個包裝好靚, 英皇果然係英皇.
原來依隻碟都有成5, 6 首我中意嘅歌, 算唔錯架喇.
當中"綿綿" & "吹微風"都同我有不解的情意結. 懷念最初學結他無憂無慮可以成日都拎住支結他嚟彈的日子.

Song of the Day:
"下週同樣時間(再見!)" ~ 陳奕迅
我都唔記得依首歌原來係Eason 自己作曲的. 掂~
真係好有散場feel; big band 編曲, 和音& Eason 的唱腔都好正.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

SPV 的Last Day, 我的死期.

今日基本上整日都比較黑仔: 新jacket 未正式著上身就已經飛左粒鈕唔知去邊; 著著下覺得唔係好對路(i.e. 唔係好抖到氣), check check 個tag 先發覺原來係XS 而唔係S (唔知有無得exchange as I've already taken off the tags!); 做accruals 難做到嘔, 又違背良心... 不過, 竟然無發生我嘅熱門黑仔事件(i.e. 撞車), 尚算有幸.

Lunch Break 之後終於跟左SPV 同Laura 去4th Floor 打個轉, 話介紹我俾果邊D 人識wor... =_=" 唉, 勁難堪! 竟然見到之前卡文仔同我提過佢喺度做Co-op 時個SPV, Michele Chang. 佢個樣都幾HK, 但英文啪啪啪啪啪聲果種. 我又估唔到佢好似都幾後生咁, Corporate Finance Director wor! 不過卡文仔話佢幾廢下, 哈哈!

Eat a lot for dinner. 似乎年尾大假期之後我仍然未能收拾狂食野嘅心情& 胃口. Shoot.

Gals Vball League will start in less than 1 week!!! (Cow, wanna join??)

Crappy Blog & Financial Post don't mix.

Websites of the Day:
<-- Per Cow's comment on my previous post, I guess I should really consider this :D
<-- 朝早沖涼時從"晨光活現溫哥華" 裡面得知的網頁, 推選<新>世界7 大奇景. See, 世界這樣大.
<-- Charts Top 15 Records of 2005. 上次見到不過無買到嘅Broken Social Scene 竟然係第二位! 令我有D 衝動想買嚟聽聽. 第一位當然係Franz Ferdinand, 不過我仲未有機會聽. 估唔到Coldplay 無份?

Song of the Day:
"Laura" ~ Scissor Sisters

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Thanks God 竟然我喺Long Weekend 之後可以準時起身番工, rather than 新一年一開始就遲到. L@@king Good. 路面上又回復番jam jam jam 的情況, 很累人. 番到Full House 的office, 有D 唔慣; 都唔知幾時先又再可以enjoy 人煙稀少& 無皇管的狀況. 終於見到聞名已久的"Ivana" (唔係王菀之; 我都想係), 不過無乜兩句; 年輕鬼婆中佢都算ok 型. 同May 姐無打過招呼亦無眼神交流; what kind of people is that?!

今日開始我要捱勁貴的parking fee - $8/day!! 就以一月嚟講: 21 working days * $8 = $168! 唔需要俾parking 錢的人已經better off 好多好多, 知道嗎?! Sucks.

謝謝梁麵& 戰衣.

再一次證明我係何時何地都可以訓覺兼且訓過籠嘅太空廢物: 6:15pm arrived @補習社, 心諗等我喺架車度訓一陣先至入去啦(well actually that's what I usually will do). 點知一訓就訓左差唔多半個鐘, 要個家長嚟敲我玻璃先識醒! -_-" ... 我開始懷疑其實我係咪患有"昏睡症"? 大家唔好咁鄙棄我啦, 其實我係一個可憐嘅病人嚟架!

媽咪仍然唔順超我. 反而公司的Eduoard(都唔知佢個名係咪咁串, 超騎呢) 雖然亦已為人父, 但係佢都覺得我媽咪思想比較封閉. 唉, 點解要係咁?

放工渣車時所came up with 嘅"2005 年我最喜愛的10 大歌曲":
1. "青春" ~ At 17 [變變變]
無懈可擊, 坐梗第一位.

2. "Porcelain" ~ At 17 [At 17 x Twins 拉闊音樂會]
Ellen & Eman 雙結他合璧窩心感人觸動人心之作.

3. "把戲" ~ 王菀之 [Ivana]

4. "食懵你" ~ 周國賢 [光]
Outbeat 左"漢城沉沒了" & "極樂"; 喜歡從verse 到chorus 的變化.
I'm always right, ha, loser! :p

5. "葡萄成熟時" ~ 陳奕迅 [U87]
Outbeat 左"夕陽無限好" & "浮誇". 無需多講, 好好聽, 好感動. 喜愛錄音錄得Eason 把聲好似好近咁, 實力大晒冷.

不過一件事還一件事, 我又唔覺得依隻碟deserves 咁多獎.

6. "讓奇妙飛翔" ~ 張學友 [香港迪士尼樂園開幕紀念大碟]
好聽, 好upbeat, 好開心, 好"香港旅遊協會"feel.

7. "世界這樣大" ~ 藍奕邦 [無非想快樂]
從來都覺得流行曲應該帶出更多正面的訊息, 唔係下下失戀慘情要生要死. 何不放眼看看世界有幾大.

8. "有情郎" ~ 黎明 [?]
唔知幾耐無覺得Leon 嘅歌好聽lu! 喜歡佢唱得很放很自然.

9. "命硬" ~ 側田 [Justin]
出道幾個月就勇奪新人獎金獎, 確係勁. 喜歡此曲大無畏的精神. 不過佢有時又唱得投入得滯, too much.

10. "男子組" ~ Lamb Dog [3字頭]
很搞野, 但很感動, love it a lot.

Close to 10 大:
"朦" ~ 麥浚龍 [Walking Underneath]
K 歌一首, 但我一聽就好中意. Juno 唱得很好. 還是喜歡那句"看見了牛頭馬面".

"第三者" ~ 吳浩康 [Nowhere]

Song of the Day:
"24" ~ 應昌佑 & Janice
Lum 爆.
"其實每次見你 最怕結尾看夠鐘未...
你最好 變細 外借
縮小些 藏身你褲袋"

Monday, January 02, 2006

Thanks to the hair cut appointment which forced me to get up "early" on a holiday. And see what I've done; my parents are gonna kill me:

But it isn't too bad, is it?

終於跟公主觀賞了期待已久的"Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" 電影. 很期待看看電影版怎樣將我們閱讀原著時所幻想的情景表現出來; 很期待我們能在看完電影以後引用Karen 的名句: "好忠於原著啊!". 可惜, 電影版實在讓我們失望. 最離譜的是電影版竟然將發生在四位主角其中一位身上的故事完全改編了, 實在令我們費解. 果然, 再一次證明沒有期待總比有期待好. Too bad.

After tonight, everything will be back to normal, and I'm gonna take up the s*** from Michelle (a.k.a. SPV). Who could save me?!

Song of the Day:
"不聰明" ~ Ping Pung

Sunday, January 01, 2006

祝各位新年快樂, 新年進步.

約會了一年只會聚會一次的朋友仔, half of them are my vball friends, half of them are friends of theirs. "外母屋"果然名不虛傳, 吃到了最好吃的Seafood Pancake, 還嚐到了豬骨湯. 玩了一年只有一次機會玩的"Killer" & "Pictionary"; gosh, you know what, these people are just crazy! They got great careers, they are studying for their master degrees, and they have real tactics even when they play. I'm such a dumb thing in front of them. Well... I guess I should really think about that darn CGA ("Crappy Gross Arse") as the New Year commences. Come on. But guess what, out of those many smart people, I was the only one who knew the English word of 便秘. Gee, can you believe that? Never expected that little special piece of knowledge of mine could be of use in Pictionary.

Got home @2:30am; I guess I haven't gone home that late since March 2005 when I was in HK?

D 人勁D 影相都影得靚D 嘅:;amp;amp;auto=0&m=1&d=1136273033592

Song of the Day:
"純真傳說" ~ 古巨基
You know songs like this would definitely appeal to me:
"童年愉快因太易叫好 期求的多麼簡單自能做到
得一個蠟燭加蛋糕 已想起舞
別過年 別過年
不快樂 只因充實知識 在成長裡漸變"