十分relaxed 的星期六, 不過要早起去補習-_-". 其實我自覺為我D 學生付出都唔少, 但總係只會得來negative 的feedback; 我的命運.
多謝結他Miss 個女教我彈"Come Now Is the Time to Worship"! Gal, you really ROCK! 唉, 自卑.
暫時從AWANA 抽身兩個月, 靠你喇Nenson! Plus, thanks for buying the stuff for me :D.
MV 好看嗎? Too bad we can't watch them together.
Song of the Day:
"禁色" ~ hocc & 黃耀明
出自hocc 呃fans 錢的"第二版"CD, 真係離晒譜.
Shouldn't they give the BEST to the hardcore fans who will always buy the FIRST edition?!