I hardly work on anything today... PCIS training @8am in the morning, 下晝又去左考R19 嘅試, 好似乜都無做過咁, SPV 又不喜歡我了.
R19 個exam 爆難; 要知道我已經畢左業兩年, 而依兩年以來番工做嘅野又根本同Accounting 完全扯唔上關係, 勁多題left blank, 我估個marker 都頂我唔順.
Take care.
Song of the Day:
"沒有夏娃的伊甸園" ~ Chet Lam
I hardly work on anything today... PCIS training @8am in the morning, 下晝又去左考R19 嘅試, 好似乜都無做過咁, SPV 又不喜歡我了.
一個月內第二次請病假. 越訓得多, 個頭越痛; karma.
Lunch time 轉接轉接, Tim Hortons -> Wendy's -> Ichibanka -> Opa! 最後喺Opa! 食左個Lamb Wrap, 哈, 好在今次無肚痛.
轉左team 喇... 勁做勁做勁做, 然後就發覺, 逼到自己專心做野嘅時候, 已經懶理背脊究竟有幾多人經過. 不過, 仍然都好大壓力. ~_~"
YEAH~~~ 意大利幾經辛苦終於贏到世界盃冠軍喇! 其實佢地應該一早就清脆利落地贏左1 比0, 唔駛打加時, 更加唔駛射12 碼, cheap cheap Henry (謝謝Jetsy 的提醒, 應該係Malouda) 插晒水點知又搏到12 碼. 如果France 最後贏左, 就簡直係世紀大冤案喇! 仲有Zidane 的一記鐵頭功, 真係為佢光輝的足球生涯留下很黑很黑的污點. 唔明囉. Anyway, 意大利捧盃真的格外高興, 佢地好耐無贏過喇! 唔知暉暉有無睇呢? So, here comes the end of the 2006 Germany World Cup, it has left me nothing except a sore throat from all the screaming & shouting. That was fun & exciting enough though.