FISHLAMB'S MoMoLiu Blahtology

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Blah 練歌 Blah Enjoy

FishLamb is loving the soprano saxophone! :D

尋晚番完團契之後番屋企, 都已經成11 點幾, 但係因為今日要練歌, 所以點都要拎支saxophone 出嚟試& 練.
初初搞左好耐, 吹嚟吹去都係有一個音出唔到, 研究左好耐, 又拎我自己果支alto 出嚟睇, 結果又真係俾我fix 到(其實好耐之前我支alto 都試過有同一個問題), 感謝Jee~
...Yeah, 終於可以開始練, 但已經係凌晨唔知幾多點喇...
(But I am not alone 喎, 原來Ah Yee 都係夜晚番到屋企, 做完一輪家務, 1 點幾先開始練歌!)
嘩, 難, 好難!!
I mean, Jason 吹嘅野, 我又點可以吹到呢? ~_~"
用左好多時間去figure out 我要吹的部份 - 都係因為我自己技術有限, 唔識improvise, 所以要研究好耐試好耐, 又要唱番D "so far names" 出嚟先得!
可憐MA 要tolerate 我吹埋D 不知所謂嘅野, 慘到呢~~
最後用左好多心機好多時間, 都叫做搵到一堆我可以吹嘅野囉. 過程其實好痛苦, 不過都幾有成功感啊!
本來"傳頌你" 係optional 的一首, 但依首其實好玩過"生命因你動聽" 呢!!
夜晚流流嚟吹saxophone, 唔知會唔會俾鄰居投訴??
...今次真係俾人stretch 我個limit 呢... 好amazed... @_@"

今日就到左正式練歌, 可能因為喺個sanctuary 裡面吹, 所以我唔駛就住就住, 可以放膽吹, 其實咁樣D 音出得準好多呢.
聽到聲音在禮堂裡面回響, 很興奮~ :D
Another great practice session; I love my band so much! :)
才只是第三次練歌, 雖然有D 野仲需要fine tune, 但係講緊有成10 幾首歌喎, 大家其實已經好efficient 架喇!! *勁*

練歌之後一齊陪寂寞的Alfred 去食飯(韓國餐), 大家又可以聯絡下感情, 好好啊!

遠在Whistler 的SSC, I owe you a big one...
都好啦, 點講都好, 妳都係同D 高手去滑雪開心D 嘅. **HAVE FUN**
Being taken care of & being impressed, again...??

忽發奇想: 不如我去trade-in 我支alto sax, 換支soprano 番嚟丫~

Song of the Day:
"每隔兩秒" ~ 趙學兒

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Blah SopSax Blah Snowboard

FishLamb is overwhelmed by her new toys – a soprano saxophone & a new snowboard!

Whoa, busy day.

Work-wise isn't busy at all, in fact pretty "hea" all week long.
Not only that I am free, even my coworkers are so free that they don’t need my help.
Well I guess life is fair: the past Christmas was a pain, and now everybody is kinda relieved, at least for a week or so.

We cooked last night, so I packed rice for lunch today.
You won't know how excited I am whenever I have rice for lunch!
Spent 1/2 hour on eating & web-browsing, and another 1/2 hour @ Wal-Mart.
Have a special sentiment about the Deerfoot Mall Wal-Mart because the design & layout of the store is 99% same as the Lougheed Mall Wal-Mart (I guess I talked about this before...).
There are lots of Chinese New Year items for sale @ Wal-Mart; I was being tempted to buy some decorations for office / home. XD But, no, didn't get any.
TaoTi green tea is sold for $0.98 only, even cheaper than T&T (I mean, that's even cheaper than getting a can of Coke @ caf!)!
How can you beat my favorite store?

Rushed to St. John Music right after work.
First time taking Deerfoot Trail during rush hours, man, it was brutal!! @_@"
I'm glad that we live in Tuscany.
So, the stupid St. John Music.
Old crappy building, not cool at all.
Nobody greeted me as I entered, so I might as well browse around on my own first.
They do carry quite a lot of band instruments supplies, and it was the first time I saw plastic reeds (ignorant Y, as always).
So then finally I went to the counter to pick up my soprano saxophone. I believe the person who handled the transaction was the (stupid) person who took my phone calls. Oh well, his attitude was OK today, so I forgave him. :p
Wow, soprano sax… I'm surprised that they also included the mouthpiece ("sanitized" as it says) & a brand new reed – whew, I just found out not long ago that my alto sax mouthpiece won't fit!
This new [rented] toy is a bit lighter than my alto sax, and the case is also smaller. Wish I’ll make good friends with him (yes, "him", not "her", just like WSB & Blue Taka ah!)!!
$40 for a month, that's an awesome deal! I mean, when we went snowboarding and rented the gears for only 5hrs, we paid the same $$!

Next thing: went to pick up MA from work, and went to TD Square to get my new snowboard!!
Wow, snowboard… SSC is right, what a pity that I finally got my own gear but I'm no longer in Vancouver… =(
Life is ironic ah.
Thanks Abraham for the employee discount (board = $100, bindings = $70), saved a lot though I've spent a lot already!!
Spoiled as MA, got his own gear already after only boarding for once!! *JEALOUS*
So, we are all on the hook, wah ha~~
Gotta try the new gear out next Saturday, so excited ah!!
Went to MAM's place for dinner; if not, we will get owned. XD

Got home @ 9-ish, then I spent almost an hour in the kitchen, and I still can't figure out why was that! =(
Desperate Y.
And finally, I don't have time to try out my new toy. Ah chur...

I just can't take / face / handle it…
New bracelet: WSFLD – What Should FishLamb Do?

Whoa, a post in English, love it. :)
But I guess I won’t read it again. -_-" I love English, but not the reading part, haha!!

Song of the Day:
"Fix You" ~ Coldplay

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blah 寒流 Blah 轉機

FishLamb is Grace Melodified.

話說媽媽買給我的迷你laptop 係無CD Rom 的, 都唔知點樣可以裝我隻強勁"MS Office Enterprise 2007" 入去!
結果我上網download 左個試用版, 但係就入個真嘅product 入去, 又真係得喎~
而家D 野真係方便到呢!
...丫, 唔知就唔好亂講啦! 邊個奸茅??

WSB 今朝去到"全Cowgary 最slippery" 個位的時候, 差D 行唔到!
嚇死~~ @_@"
其實呀, 我都唔明點解townhouse 裡面無人鏟雪的?! :p
Wonder how do other Protege 5 make it... especially those in Vancouver... :ppp
I mean, 人地可以在最惡劣的時候仍然喺Vancouver 從東去西, 從北向南喎!!
你係得嘅, 怪唔知得咁得啦, 搞到人地色盲...
Oh, 講左去邊?

Btw, 暖左幾日, 今日無啦啦又落雪喇!
媽媽仲不止一次叮囑我, 話佢聽新聞聽到有幾個省將受到寒流侵襲, 氣溫降到零下25 度至10 度不等!!
I mean, 唔係呀話... =(

峰迴路轉, 搞搞下, 我又有可能租到支Soprano Sax 喇播!!
話說我星期一打左電話去那間甚麼"St John Music", 但係果個人答我話租晒出去啦.
點知今日收到team 裡面其中一個女仔的FB msg, 話佢又幫我打左電話去St. John, 佢地話仲有一支, 可以hold 到聽日!
咁我收到msg 之後又即刻自己打電話去confirm 啦, 點知果個人又話無囉! 吹脹!
我堅持堅持話我個friend 話placed it on hold, 佢先死死地氣幫我再check, 然後就話有囉!
Chi sin...
我懷疑根本接電話果個就無心機去check, 所以係咪都話無! 因為睇唔起依D 幾十蚊的生意?!
Anyways... 我會聽日放工去pick up 囉, 希望D 人的態度OK 啦. 唉~ ~_~"
其實我怕, 租到又點呢, 都未必吹到...
I mean, CD 版係Jason 大爺吹喎, 咪玩我啦.

死喇, 仲未開始睇case study... =(

電視又賣Hins' concert 的廣告, "天雜誌" 又賣Hins' concert 的廣告...
You guys, give me a break!!

Song of the Day:
"毒蘑菇" ~ 周筆暢
And I was actually listening to this album while I was driving today.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Blah 溶雪 Blah 掛住

FishLamb is missing esioN. =(

很無聊的一日, 可以說是productive - 我要做的都做的; 但又好唔productive - 因為hea 的時間比工作的時間多.
會被人炒嗎? *擔心*
話時話, 到二月頭我就做夠3 個月了.

Lunch time 過左對面Deerfoot Mall 行街, 以為回程的時候會拎住塊snowboard, 點知去到Sport Chek 先發覺, D snowboards 無我想像中咁平. Well, 明明星期日同MA 去睇過, 我記得好似OK 架喎?
睇怕都係要等Abraham 回覆... 希望24th 去滑雪有新板用啦! :D
...24th... 要捱過23rd 先可以... =(((

放工番到屋企附近, 入到嚟個townhouse complex, 發覺WSB 很難前行.
In fact 這幾天真的不太凍, 甚至就算有風吹過嚟都頂得順, 很難得的.
但係, 之前積積埋埋堆積如山的雪亦開始溶化, 大件事, 四週都濕"lub lub"!
而且, 之前凍的時候, 其實D 雪很乾身, 就算WSB 唔係4wd 又無換雪呔, 都無乜大問題.
而家就慘了, 今日WSB 已經兩次stuck 喺似溶未溶的雪堆裡面, 要麻煩MA & 路人甲幫手推車!!
...想起WSB 以前在Vancouver 的慘況. Vancouver 更加慘的是, 一落雪就已經係咁樣濕"lub lub", WSB got stuck 的次數亦多好多.
無論搬過嚟Cowgary 係好定唔好, 至少這個冬天, 天父救了我跟WSB 一車兩命.

大家都有鋪癮, 中意幫對方買原居地都有得賣嘅野, 哈哈~
不過都幾sweet 丫.
Oh... Lougheed Mall, how I miss that place!!
懷念London Drugs 出面的parking, 一入去就被IHOP 引誘. XD

esioN 又開季了...
我以為我開始投入依邊的生活, 會無咁miss 佢地; 但好明顯, 唔係丫. =(((
I so freaking wish I were there... And I miss Awesome Roll as well!

Song of the Day:
"青春火花" ~ 3P

Monday, January 12, 2009

Blah 高帽 Blah 精神

FishLamb is paying attention in lecture.

尋日星期日, 打算番完教會食完飯就可以開始溫書.
結果, 我依D 懶鬼就梗係勁procrastinate 啦! 最後差不多到夜晚10 點先真正開始溫. -_-"
真係, 邊個負責督促我溫書就死邊個! @_@"
最後, 連textbook 都無心機睇, 淨係求其睇左D lecture notes 就算(都成10 幾20 頁架!).
最抵死係MA 好不屑咁話我唔識溫書; 我話, 無錯我係唔識溫書, 衰在我識考試! 哈哈, 吹脹... XD
懷念SSC 的恐嚇...

嘩, 醫生仔咁大頂高帽笠落嚟, 真的受唔起呢!
數下數下, 原來我都已經有5 首歌, 可以出EP 的了. XD

番工很hea 的一日.
但我估hea 的不止我一個掛?

又番學了. 多得MA 的幫忙, 尋晚夾份上網搵到全個SAIT 最平的pakring - $4 per entry, 嘩, 仲抵過我泊低WSB 然後搭C-Train! :D
路盲的我, 都有少少驚會搵唔到個parking, 不過最後都順利抵達, 感謝Jee 丫!
On the way 仲去Esso 買左Tim HortonS coffee.
Btw, 雖然我成日話我自己係路盲, 但係這移居Cowgary 要重新認路的我, 自問都算稱職啦! 連SSC 都係咁話~
有時間淨, 喺WSB 裡面took a nap & talked to SSC. =) Got me going Y.

今日終於見到真正的instructor, CA 一名, 望落去都幾後生; 其實D 人咁叻做乜嗟. -_-"
不過我都係覺得土生仔老師教得好D 清楚D.
我今晚都有好留心聽書呀, 仲無釣魚添! 仲精神過平時番教會 - 喂, 講緊係我已經番左成日工喇喎!
然後我就諗, 係咪真係因為我喺Cowgary 的生活太過平淡呢?
I mean, 沒有了那些喪講電話, 勁夜訓, 隔幾日就打波, 心思思想彈結他, 同SSC 去街etc... 其實應該係用少左energy 的.
如果我完成唔到CGA, 真的枉過來Cowgary 了.

Lecture 2, 不錯, I bo still with the instructor.
之前讀Taxation 1 都係咁, 初初仲好地地, 唔知幾時開始就完全lost 晒, 結果都係得個B.
Anyways... 以前GLW 話齋, pass 就得啦, who cares?

有時連打認真的emails 都想打"I bo"... XD

結果自己開左那樽Sangria, 同PYZK 飲.
唉, one week too late.

"10 ways to Lower Your English Proficiency" 西人嚟架喎!
怪唔知得我咁中意, 又咁compatible 啦!

Song of the Day:
"神馳天地" ~ 頌恩旋律