登登登凳, when did I break unto tears again?? 原來, Hwy 1 沿路都無再mark 住exit # 的. Until 我地到達Cowgary, I saw the exit we took was Exit #177, then I realized how far I was from HOME, then I couldn't help breaking into tears... Gaglardi is Exit #37. SSC's home is Exit #4. I wanna die... especially when I saw all the unfamiliar street names. WHAT THE HECK... Why the hell I'm here?! =((( SSC 在sms 裡面說, "have a safe drive home"... 哪裡是我家??
哭成淚人的我, 大概嚇親MA 的爸爸媽媽細佬細妹(and maybe Abby as well).
Away from HOME... But how ridiculous that I'm in fact @ my new home now. 忘記背後, 努力面前... 對我來說從來都比較困難.
一想到去到新地方, 要搵新工, deal with 新的同事/ 團友, 整過晒D 文件, unpack 所有有用& 無用的東西... I so wanna vomit.
Song of the Day: "Over the Rainbow" ~ At 17 從擠的迫的公車中 抬頭就會看到新天空 如果傷口遮不到不要暴燥 在某處醫好 從輕的清的一分鐘 回頭就會搭通一彎美麗橋 是彩虹 無愁無慮但有異心 跨過就到 今天又見到彩虹.
同MA & 媽媽去"永合隆" 食lunch, good food. 我在Vancouver 的最後午餐, 竟然係揀左無甚情意結的"永合隆". 今日外出的時候, 經過Superstore, 經過Tim Hortons, etc... 全是我經常去的地方. 我不禁在想, when was the last time I visited that place? 原來有些地方, 不經意的最後一次踏足了, 然後將會有很長很長的時間都沒有機會再去了.
謝謝胡氏夫婦專程造訪, 很可愛的禮物啊! 還有Auntie Janis 特登漏夜到訪, I feel so being loved. I miss the days when we served in AWANA! 謝謝您很多很有心思的禮物; 有心思, 我中意. =)
擁著SSC, 兩個喊包喊到收唔到聲. Gal, you mean so much to me... I miss the time we killed together, 無論是打波, 行街, 傾電話(or just holding the phone without saying anything), caffeine injection, 午飯, 晚飯, 彈結他, 睇戲, 搵細Kai 做facial, 喺屋企hea (東或西)... We had tons of fun just because we were together. You are thus far my very BEST listener - no matter how MoLiu my topic is (like coffee mug). Thanks for always being supportive, complimentary & encouraging, such that I know I AM A GIFT & I begin to believe in myself. Thanks for all the food you fed me with; you are definitely Cooking HH! 懷念幫妳做打手打Blog 的日子; 恐怕以後難有機會吧? =( 懷念我倆令人R 晒頭的"不可能carpool 路線"; who cares, I like that. And I like the route from Grover to HJSC. :D 懷念妳半睡不醒的聲音; 懷念妳容忍我半睡不醒然後突然叫極都唔醒. 謝謝妳時常給我驚喜, 例如某個星期天無端端在我教會出現. 謝謝妳做的scrapbook & scarf, 靚到可以拎去賣. 謝謝妳教我snowboarding, 謝謝妳教我戴con - all the IMPOSSIBLE things in my mind. 我知道我個Blog 有20,000 個clicks 係妳的; YouTube 大概也有1,000 個吧? You caught me when I lied; but trust me, I didn't lie to you much. :p 東離西有多遠? 其實也不怎麼遠, 大概40km or 33 個highway exits. In fact, we are just a thought apart. 其實不止我陪妳, 妳也陪我捱過了難捱的時期. 這年半, 我過得很充實. I'm THE LUCKIEST; I mean, Sheffield wor... 但我有點後悔we spent too much time together, making this separation even tougher than it already is. Be tough, gal, & take good care of yourself (& YML too). *PLEASE*
又係喎, 怪唔知得望住Wall-E 有種親切感. :D So sweet. I really have got a lot to show you in my crowded room.
謝謝SSC 過嚟搵我, 終於在妳面前shed some good tears. 結果都無機會同妳一齊睇"世界女排大獎賽" 的DVD... 還有想去未去的餐廳("Habitat" on Main, DeDutch, Rugby, among others...)... 將CDs 一次過還給我, 真有點像Eason 的歌詞, "嚴重似情侶講分手"... How much I'm gonna miss you?! 沒有我在球場上, 請繼續努力. 懷念妳back set 的姿態, 好看得不得了. Let's make it public: you are always our MVP in my mind.
真好, 趁三叔一家臨番HK 之前可以有機會食餐sushi! =) Sushi Town, 大家讚不絕口呢~ 沒有架子的高層, I really love my relatives! Though, I might not know how to show it. 唔係三叔講起, 我都唔知原來我同細妹(堂細妹...) 的性格咁似? 不過三叔又真係好犀利, 短短的相處時間就已經留意到我的性格, 而且係bingo 的. Wow.Thank you so much for visiting!! 少了你們, 婚禮不會一樣; and glad to know that you guys had a great time here!!
往機場的路上, 經過Collingwood, 見到gym 度門開左. ...Oh, how I miss this place - where I started my vball life here in Vancouver again (thx to Elaine!). Miss you folks.
又係要一早起身去第二次的水上活動, 不過今次都好D, 因為出發的地方比較近, 就係喺我成日提起的Front Street 後面的碼頭.
今日依個活動係坐橡皮艇出海, 去一個叫Lanai 的island, then more snorkeling. 嘩, 坐住隻橡皮艇真係刺激得不得了! 其實感覺上係好安全的, 不過當佢全速前進乘風破浪的時候, 就好似坐過山車咁, 蠻驚險的樣子.結果... MA 又暈船浪了! @_@" 請看很興奮的魚羊, plus 很暈浪的MA:
第二站, 去左Lahaina Cannery Mall 對面街的一個plaza 仔, 因為見到果度有間Foot Locker, 正好依期MA 想買跑鞋. MA 睇中有幾對特價跑鞋, 可惜全部都係斷碼的, BOO~ 我都見到有對類似Dunk Lo 的Nike, 幾特別, 有少少金色咁樣的. 不過, 最後我都好乖咁將佢放番低 - not a time for more casual shoes, eh?
第三站, 又去我最喜歡的Front Street. :D Time for lunch, 去左之前經過見到有好多人幫襯的"Cheeseburger in Paradise", MA 已經成日心郁郁想去架喇! 食物OK 啦, 不過又係對住個海的, 所以感覺好正. 餐廳裡面仲會有D 雀仔喺度食麵包碎呢!
謝謝SSC 的長途電話, 一解相思之苦?! (幸好MA 有"棟篤神探" 陪伴, 我先可以安心講電話.) Thanks for all the updates... How I miss you & miss the time we spent on phone! 有少少猶豫...?? =/ 都算好啦, 我不在, 妳就突然間有咁多活動. 天父為妳安排的嗎?