FISHLAMB'S MoMoLiu Blahtology

Saturday, August 26, 2006

媽咪今朝7:30am 就做手術, 很慘. The operation was successful, but she isn't feeling quite well. Please remember her in your prayers. 而我, 竟然走左出街玩, 仲去買貴野食貴野, 正衰女. :(

Why do my hands smell so bad??

謝謝各位的關心; 患難見真情係真嘅!

Song of the Day:
"多謝關心" ~ Chi Lam

Friday, August 25, 2006

Thanks God, the computer system was totally down for the whole morning!! Thus finally I got a few hours to do the filing and finished that beautifully. So amazing. Praise the Lord.

一年一度的"Year-end BBQ"... 又一年. 今年終於食到chicken, 哈.

連續兩次無返團契喇! Bad kid...


Song of the Day:
"身體健康" ~ 藍奕邦

Thursday, August 24, 2006

今日醒目左, 著左長袖衫, 不過都仲好凍咁. 話咁快就星期四, 俾D 心機捱埋佢! 唔知點解4th floor D 人真係成日懶COOL 咁, 唔興打招呼架! 勁唔得! 唔知我可以堅持同迎面走過嚟嘅人微笑堅持到幾時呢?

Pomegrante week... 又到左無乜胃口又唔知食乜好嘅lunch time, 百無聊賴的行左去City Square, 突然醒起果度有間大頭仔, 於是就叫左杯Pomegranate Red Tea with Pearls. 唔, 好似都係果日Starbucks 果杯好飲D! 不過有pearls 就飽肚D 囉.

唔知點解今日比較冷清, 全日竟然只係接左5 個電話左右, 連平時的一半都唔夠. Thanks God. 日日都係咁就好.

神通廣大的彭太竟然無啦啦去左補習社門口等我, 都咪話唔驚.

Quote of the Day:
To hell with me, rest in peace.

待你好, 待我不好.

Song of the Day:
"抱擁這分鐘" ~ 陳奕迅
你叫我最快樂 你也叫我最心痛


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

公司D 冷氣好鬼勁, 好凍, 好淒涼咁, 無晒mood 做野. 睇嚟聽日要著長袖衫喺裡面.

接左成朝電話, 問題千奇百怪, 有D 到而家都未solve 到! 好不容易捱到lunch time, 無神無氣地喺公司附近兜左幾個圈都唔知食乜好, 最後去左"Daily Perks" 食左舊Pizza Bread. Daily Perks - 未開張的時候就好渴望去, 開張之後卻咁耐都未去過(well, 入過去打個轉囉). Wrong timing.

今日發現有個醫生個名係Wong, Yiu-Ming! Wahaha! 明哥?!

放工行經Broadway 的時候竟然在燈位遇著Eva, 梗係義不容辭車埋佢去Lougheed Station 啦! (其實都唔係義不容辭, 都係順路嗟!) 如果有dead air 是否我的問題? 同某些人總係比較易撞到的.

謝謝梁飯... Sorry, 可能D tees 比較disappointing? :p

Grade 12 校刊:
"I'm good enough to be in glory; bad enough to make myself happy.
I'm cool enough to keep my enemies away; warm enough to make my friends stay."

Song of the Day:
"早知" ~ 謝霆鋒

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

番工算係on the right track, 不過都仍然有好多野pending pending, 好鬼煩. 而且, 一日未係period end, 一日都未知戰況會有幾激烈. :(

今日個電話總共響左20 次都有, 簡直係英語會話聽講大測試. 唔知坐我後面嘅Christine 聽唔聽到每次電話響我都會好自然地嘆氣呢? 依兩日同Dr. Wong 講左好多次電話, 最後我忍唔住同佢講我媽咪喺SUCCESS 度做嘅! So funny! :D

見到一對西人TSL couple 湊住個仔...

試左星巴克嘅"Pomegranate Frapp", 不過都唔係用果張voucher, 希望月底前我會記得/ 有機會用. 幾好飲架喎, 不過溶得好快.

Haha, Tubercolosis Control Dept... TB Control? Wanna gain some? Who do you wanna control then? Wahahahaha~~ XD

終於"的" 起心肝去修剪下果棵成日搞到我& 黃小寶週身唔係甲蟲就係蜘蛛蝸牛嘅bush, 很暢快. 突如其來的garden work, involved 埋爸爸媽媽, 突然間大家又好似好近. 不過, 我知, 其實都係好遠好遠.

無啦啦同爸爸媽媽去左砂煲食all you can eat, 勁飽囉! 竟然聽到"愛上你是我眼睛的錯", 正!

從來未試過用一個手提用得咁盡: 打電話, SMS, 影相, 拍短片, 聽歌, 鬧鐘, 藍芽傳送, 行事曆, 寫notes (e.g. what to write on Blog), 計數機... 有人應該好安慰. :)

4 個字去形容我:
... 無怪乎女主播咁串架.

This is rather funny:
"Should Christine have picked Phantom instead of Raoul?"

仲有一個月就開學喇(after finishing school for 2+ yrs)! 完全唔係讀書嘅心情, 勁hea 勁hea 咁, 你話點算?

Song of the Day:
"挑戰者" ~ 羅敏莊
今朝臨出門口聽到收音機播方力申的一首新歌, 然後我就諗起依首歌, 然後就好快手地拎左隻封塵CD 去車度聽.
You know, this song is really killing me... Like:
我好中意你, 你又好似唔係好中意我, 但又有其他人好中意我, 求下你著緊D 我, 因為我唔想果個人終有一日打動我.
... Well, don't take me wrong, I'm not saying that it IS related to me in any way.
羅敏莊同hocc 一樣, 唱"專利" 唱到好似"豬利" 咁.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Breakfast: XL Coffee + Ham & Cheese Biscuit
Lunch: 蕉 *2 + 幾啖橙汁
Dinner: 炒飯+ 油豆腐粉絲+ 牛扒 (很heavy... =_=")
餐lunch 食得幾健康都係前功盡費.

今日心情很苦, 加上朝早飲左杯X-Large, lunch time 的時候同自己講, "I want something sweet!" 去到City Square 左踱右踱, 最後喺Safeway 買左兩隻蕉& Tropicana 橙汁; 都唔算係甜野呢! 其實A&W 嘅Float 都好吸引, 不過, 唔好喇, 好罪疚架! 點知, 下晝忍唔住食左麥提莎. *oo*

好遲先捨得喺公司走, 點知就俾我喺Parking 遇見Helen, 我都無為意佢搬左去我樓上呢! 哈哈, 佢話之前都從D management 口中聽過some good words about me! 過獎啦, wahaha~ 好一個encouragement... 不過, 今日都未係好productive, 大把大把野做, 唉... *我要努力向上*

爸爸媽媽又有問題... 尋晚本來都有好多野縈繞我, 但原來, 又係原來, 剎那間, 一切變得與我何干.

咦?! 原來係周博賢, 唔係周國賢喎?! Ah chur! 嚇得我丫... @_@"

謝謝牛牛通風報訊, At 17 開演唱會呀!!!! Chur... 唔通我無啦啦9 月又飛番HK 咩?! 唉, 永遠都無可能撞正嘅! :( Btw, Ellen 好靚呀!

又無得打vball 啦... *SAD* Do I like guitar playing or vball playing more??


Song of the Day:
"相依為命" ~ 陳小春

Sunday, August 20, 2006

很relaxed 的星期日下午... 5 點幾, 懶洋洋, 雖然仍然希望今日我會執下房& 整理下番工D notes; ya, "希望".

I surely like the style that our Worship Team played today. I guess that's the BEST one ever, in terms of the balancing, though there were some flaws. Good that we are heading somewhere (finally) anyway. 慶幸尋日有拎起結他嚟練, 如果唔係今日實獻醜喇! 仍然會手震腳震, 點解...? =_="

第一次聽CK 講道, good job, 繼續努力.

去了一轉Tom Lee, 又用左$$ 喇! 見到made in Taiwan 的Takamine 12-strings 賣成$700+, made in China 的Takamine 半電卻under $400 就有交易... 唔, where have all the made in Korea Takamine gone? Yamaha 半電都係under $400, that's quite surprising.

聽到藍奕邦的新歌; 係喎, 佢都好耐無出碟喇. 希望佢D 詞唔好再針對性.

忍唔住除左隻耳鐶落嚟洗, 先發現原來佢已經到達化境喇! 唯有換上另外果隻啦... 一對耳鐶可以戴咁耐, 抵晒.

尋晚同Rachael 傾左幾句, 發覺原來佢比Alpha 老闆娘更加似Sharon 呀! 哈哈哈! 連講野嘅語氣都似! *驚*

媽媽叫我同佢去睇"Snakes on a Plane"... -_-"

Song of the Day:
"Somewhere Only We Know" ~ Keane

oh simple things, where have you gone?