FISHLAMB'S MoMoLiu Blahtology
勁發脾氣之日. 補完習番到屋企勁exhausted, 好想take a nap, 但又要預備AWANA D 野, 不過最後都決定訓完先算(yes, 係我一貫作風). 點知媽咪好似喺樓下開P 咁, 勁多人嚟探佢, 結果電話& 門鐘都響過不停, 我那午睡... 算把啦.AWANA kids are MONSTERS. 心灰. I totally suck at teaching kids, TOTALLY. I wanna quit.我係阿4 & 阿信.今日有練結他啊, 勁乖! 希望聽日生生性性.Song of the Day:"極樂" ~ 周國賢工作 工作 工作 更多工作不知道替誰頻撲30 歲前會x__x" 嗎?
終於捱過了一個period end, many more coming though. 臨放工收到嚇人的消息: Dr. Bell-Irving 可能搵律師告我地唔出糧俾佢喎! 我覺得佢腦筋有DD 問題.
難得放晴, lunch time 行左去Tim HortonS 約會久別重逢的Soup Combo. Tomato Parmesan Soup, ok 嘅.
可能係今日or 今個禮拜做過的唯一一件好事: gave a ride to Elmoly, yeah! I'm nice :p. Oh well, I did something good for Christine, too. Kind-hearted kid, better than the DOCTORS.
原來女主播搬左屋呢.Pay week, 真開心. 買唔買單車好呢?嚴重愛上Eggo 的Cinnamon Toast Waffle.A black belly button is Chinese culture? I guess it's rather Leung's culture...Song of the Day:"單車" ~ 陳Eason
下雨天, 很冷.第一次在meeting 中發言, 很感動; 不過, 都唔係好知自己講乜. 見到Wendy 的廬山真面目; 不過我有興趣見Christina 多D -- like the only NICE person who works with me.唔知乜野原因, 總之Christine 唔駛我幫手做Variance Analysis. 唉, incapable 嗎? That's kinda sad...無啦啦俾Dr. Bell-Irving (一個把聲勁似卡通片裡面D 巫婆嘅聲嘅"醫生") 呼喝, 痴痴地. 佢把聲令我諗起Mrs. Lo, 哈哈哈. 唉, 一講$$, 乜野常性都無晒. Hate them. Well, hate myself too.
放工後"的" 起心肝走去Richmond, 喺Daiso 買到$2 一張Made in Japan 的mini stool, 尋晚差D 喺Wal-Mart 用$6 嚟買架喇! Great deal~ 終於試左傳聞中的綠茶軟雪糕, 都OK 嘅... 仲喺Food Court 見到Gogo & Jessie 添. 買左黑糯米豆腐花俾爸爸媽媽食, 乖到爆. :p 不過, 見唔到女主播, 無緣.Sorry, 但我真係有點Brain Dead 狀態... 唔work...Song of the Day:"Bad Day" ~ Daniel Powter話時話, 買左隻碟都未拆.
Everything is tough.Tough.Tough.Tough.Nice wallet brand??Ok, I'm getting MoMoLiu...Song of the Day:"戒不掉" ~ 哈林跟"尼古丁" 有異曲同工之妙嗎?
Lunch time 原本打算食Wendy's, 不過行行下經過Kamei 抵受唔住引誘, 就入左去食Beef Udon & Chopped Scallop Sushi. 好好味!! 好似餓左Japanese Food 好耐咁. 享受勞碌所得來的, 也是恩典.很折墮, 5:20pm 放工竟然覺得好開心, whereas nobody in my office needs to work OT AT ALL! 落到parking 見到仲有好多車喺度, 心裡不免湧出興奮的感覺.哈! 哈! 哈! 終於剪左髮喇! Yeah! 今次William 叔叔收我$9 咋! 很飄忽.天生購物狂原來最終都係中意去Superstore. 太為食了. Cinnamon Waffle 好好味啊!Song of the Day:"食野一族" ~ Soft Hard
咁就5 週年, 時光飛逝.好夜先放工, 我想唔撈. :p終於去到Collingwood 打波喇! 顯然地肥了, 武功廢了.Stupid shoes... A bad idea to play in the playground with the wrong clothing? Doesn't work finally?Song of the Day:"帝國大廈" ~ Swing
晴朗的星期天. 可惜, 有得去biking 的不是我.You don't need to care, do you?Song of the Day:"It's All Gonna Break" ~ Broken Social Scene