FISHLAMB'S MoMoLiu Blahtology

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Blah 閉關 Blah 努力

FishLamb is trying hard.

閉關與case study 苦戰的一日.
但, progress 仍然緩慢. 某程度上我是蠢的.

To all the single guys who are dying for a GF, maybe here are some tips:

** If your 1st language is English, make sure you speak good Cantonese, that's really impressive. Vice versa.
** Know what's the best dessert in town.
** Be a classy guy - gain knowledge of all the wines around the world.
** Be as sporty as you can, preferably be proficient in golf (which makes you a classy guy).
** Travel a lot, travel around the world.
** And while you travel, send messages to her, and don't forget to get her souvenirs of course.
** Drive her around, in storm & in snow.
** Impress her close friends.
** Know the big hit TVB dramas and provide her with those.
** Keep asking no matter how many times she has rejected you.
...Possessing all these, something else that might be more important is no longer important.

Oh yea, I really did try, but I just failed.
I can't help, blow what?

...Shoot, just realize my Blahtology becomes bitter again as it was some years go... =(((

我想這也算是"一將功成萬骨枯" 吧?!
點解so unfair... =(((

Song of the Day:
"Getting to Know You" ~ ??
Getting to know you,
Getting to know all about you.
Getting to like you,
Getting to hope you like me.

Getting to know you,
Putting it my way,
But nicely,
You are precisely,
My cup of tea.

Getting to know you,
Getting to feel free and easy
When I am with you,
Getting to know what to say

Haven't you noticed
Suddenly I'm bright and breezy?
Because of all the beautiful and new
Things I'm learning about you
Day by day

You once introduced this song to me in the car; now this is for the two of you.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Blah Team Lunch Blah 爆炸

FishLamb is exploding.

Ellen 生日快樂!!

Free breakfast @ caf, 嘩, 咁闊佬?!
好正... 食左勁多. *肥*

Year-end team lunch @ Red Lobster... 第一次去.
睇餐牌的時候, 躊躇左好耐, 因為唔知應該叫乜野range 嘅野食好.
初初打算叫pasta, 但係最後都係決定唔好待薄自己, 叫個勁餐 - Lobster & Salmon!! (其實反正係阿公俾...)
好味道! =)
下次帶妳去丫... 如果仍有下次.

坐鬼妹同事的車去, 其實佢地真係幾搞笑架!
人工低都唔緊要啦, 老細好, 同事又好, 我已經很滿足了.

很忙很忙... @_@"
不過連做左10 幾年的同事都讚我做野做得好, 很有成功感. =)

...chance is slim though.

爆了. Sorry.
All you want, I don't care.

Song of the Day:
"不安全感" ~ 草蜢

Monday, March 23, 2009

Blah 學習 Blah Focus

FishLamb is having way too much on her mind lately.

都係寫"Blahtology" 開心D, free D.

"想得太多" lately, obviously...
But things are getting better...
大概"Talking Therapy" 真的湊效. You know nothing's actually gonna change even after you talk things out, but anyhow, you just feel better.
Maybe I should say THANKS.
Remind me of Mon.

被取代的感覺, 很難受.
Wonder how could that happen at all? I mean, it wasn't even "crap period" like that November. 還以為插針也不入. 假的.

Stay like that for all you want, I won't care.

我在推敲, 我究竟要學乜野功課...
- 與肢體受苦. (Well, 可能其實是自己攞苦嚟辛. :p)
- 自己省察, 看在我裡面有甚麼惡行沒有.
- 真真正正要做一個有說服力的基督徒, such that, 當要持守真理的時候, 別人不會有話柄挑剔(gotta learn it from CapViv).
- 相信神坐著為王. (不過我的信心或多或少都失掉了一點...)

為何傷心的在傷心, 擔心的在擔心, 但挑起事端的人卻逍遙快活.
Everybody lost but him.

SIGH~~ 我已經無氣去同佢講了.
I'm already totally overwhelmed with my work, my school, and my beloved friend. Haven't been in a really good mood for a while; 為何仲要殘忍地加添我的煩惱? =_="

有幸參與Gary & Naomi 的求婚"儀式", my pleasure.
可惜"為妳鐘情" 錯晒key, 哈哈.

想起GoGo & Jessie... 當大家知道佢地拍拖的時候, 係幾咁興奮, 幾咁替佢地開心.
想起SS & Chocolate... 大家的心痛不比今天所經歷的輕微.
Good choice? Bad choice? Down the road, 會發生乜野事, 我當然唔知道; 但就只睇下依兩個禮拜大家所經歷的, 心裡有數吧.
而且, 對於"那個盼望", 我聽得出個答案"ao" 得好緊要.

Very tired... Psychologically, the bulk part.
番工很忙也很大壓力(好多野都唔肯定又唔識做), 番學很大壓力因為我開始覺得我唔會做得晒個case, 其餘那部份不用說吧.
I need to focus, on work, on school, on Bible, and on God.

恭喜MA 榮升"阿Ger 級"~~~ :D

或許有如當年的暗瘡印一樣, 幾個星期過了, 仍沒有好轉.
但無論如何, 我今晚要睡個好覺.

Song of the Day:
"心靈相通" ~ 許志安
為著在旁是你 沉住氣去努力嘗試
Maybe that's me playing snowboard.