313... 謝安琪生日快樂.
... 生日快樂嘅, 就當然唔少得我嘅蘇眉同學啦!! :) 同我同年齡喎, 會唔會嘴形夾D 呢? Best wishes to you; stay pretty, stay happy.
尋日先至勁好天, 今日無啦啦又喪落雨! =_=" 好在到黃昏的時候太陽叔叔都出番嚟, 等Birthday Gal 唔駛咁sad 嘛! 天父係對你好架喎! ... apart from all your good good frds who sent you birthday greetings from afar. 真係唔應該愁架喎.
有人遲大到遲到癲左. 唉, so what's the point of keep calling you after 5 mins & 10 mins & another 5 mins? 細心喎, 從番工開始計8 個鐘都比你諗到, 你大抵可以取代細心同學的地位了.
Lunch time 一落樓就被人叫住, 以為係邊位同事; 望一望, 原來係Sophia 呢! 好surprised! 每逢喺unexpected 的地方見到unexpected 的人, 總有興奮的感覺. Lunch @City Square (Arby's), 一路睇video clips 一路食包, 經常自顧自地傻笑; video recording 真係一項偉大發明.
嘩, D 人串到呢... 我都唔想hea 架, 但要控制到自己先得架嘛?! 真係, 串到丫. *sigh* 我知我係唔夠你搏唔夠你勤力; so? :p
或者如果我每天只係番工放工, 往返屋企& 公司, then public transit might be a possibility.
多謝你賞面俾機會我同你慶祝生日喎! 諗深一層, 比起之前esioN & Fun Team 同你搞嘅慶祝活動, 今晚實在唔算係乜野慶祝囉. 應該話, 我只係陪你"渡過" 生日; 聖安娜喎! 謝謝你帶我去一間我未去過的餐館 - 我真係超級孤陋寡聞果D 囉. 遲左一個月先去睇"Music & Lyrics", 初初諗住係愛情片, 點知原來係好好笑的愛情片! =D 一向對Hugh Grant 無甚好感, 今晚先知原來佢個樣好老! 不過一開場果個仿80 年代MV 真係好好笑! 好掂!! 另外好好笑嘅係勁sexy 但勁東方神秘主義的女配角歌手, 笑到小楊& 魚羊停唔到, 散場後都仲繼續笑. So nice to get some good laugh on birthday, isn't it? 雖然沒有free ice-cream / free coffee (原來生日都唔係大晒架!), 不過, 都一樣啦! :) Wish you had fun tonight like I did.

Song of the Day:
"今天你生日" ~ 謝霆鋒
what a FUNNY movie, I haven't laughed quite that hard for a movie in a long long time=)
I should have asked you couple more times before i took your no for an answer to pray for me=(
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