FISHLAMB'S MoMoLiu Blahtology

Saturday, December 31, 2005

頭痛的New Year Eve; I wish I've had a count down party like someone did.

Song of the Day:
"又過一年" ~ Mini @903

Friday, December 30, 2005


知醒起身番工, 好丫.

Farewell Party 之後, 我在約書亞團的日子終於來個總結. 在約書亞團已經有5 年多的時間了, 我把各樣人和事的變遷一一看在眼內. 慶幸認識了Bean^2, 我亦仍然會記得倩姨的一句"巴拿巴吸毒中心". 當中有從HK 來Vancouver exchange, 然後又回到HK 的Alvin & Vickie. 過去的一年內, 由於團契的平均年齡越來越小, 令我更加放肆地act like a teen, 認識了Nenson, Winnie 小妹etc, 又跟JonJon & Gogo 建立更深厚的關係. I treasure each & every one of you. 對於前景, 有D 憂心, 有D 興奮.

有D 人實在將"分散投資"依個理論發揮得淋漓盡至. 有多餘錢真係好. And I never know we can exchange something when the original tag is taken off already. What the... Did you bribe your life or what?

牛牛今日的post, 寫得很好:

Song of the Day:
"唔知為乜" ~ 陳冠希
臨尾Eric Kwok 有份果段有D 似軟硬以前嘅歌.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

今日又做左一樣好憎自己嘅事: "又"唔知醒. 救命. 我仲好蠢地無打電話番公司, 心諗我雖然將會遲到成個鐘, 但仍然可以神不知鬼不覺咁走入公司, 番埋自己個位度而無人發覺. 結果, 我番埋位嘅時候真係無人發覺, 但係唔夠兩分鐘之後Uma 已經走埋嚟同我對話. 難受的是佢地仲用擔心& 關懷嘅語氣問我"Everything OK?", 搞到我更加唔好意思. 唔通我話, "Not quite, I slept like I was dead." 點先可以make sure 自己每日都知醒?!?! 還是我應該番evening shift 的工?

在自責的陰霾下渡過了Christmas 假期後的第二個工作天.

阿May 依兩日無啦啦又回復番以前咁COOL, 唔知發生乜事. 我又試覺得佢無禮貌了. 枉我上個禮拜五特登陪佢打發時間. 離譜.

成功exchanged 左個DVD Player, 好彩新果個無問題(eh, 暫時都未有問題...). 唔知可以玩得幾耐呢?

其實... 我想key 我個頭落去同Ellen 合照好耐架喇! 嘻嘻!

爹爹大宴親朋, 宣佈正式開始領取退休金.

Quote of the Day:
"對於新一年, 好想好想好好計劃一下. 唔細喇... 又大一年. 人應該要越黎越成熟." ~ Miss
近期類似的說話& 意識總像梵音一般纏繞我. Yes, let me grow up. I believe I can fly.

Song of the Day:
"Bad Day" ~ David Powter

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Long weekend 後的首個工作天, 懶得要命. 不過, 轉眼又已經到period end 了, 想懶都唔得. 今日竟然見到阿May 聽住iPod 做野, 好surprised; I wonder if she had keyed in fewer invoices today?

I take it as a promise, well, maybe I'm too naive.

終於拆開了我期盼已久的DVD 機, 第一隻有幸被放入去嘅碟就當然係At 17 x Twins 拉闊啦! 嘻嘻! 不過, 睇嚟我聽日都係無可避免要去Best Buy 一趟... :( *煩*

謝謝jacket, 謝謝DVD, 謝謝lun 廚. 我好肥.

Song of the Day:
"In My Dreams" ~ 恭碩良

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

美國一天超級瘋狂購物日. 可惜仍然買不到一些想買的東西, 又見到一些早前穿在某人身上的東西. Cheap. 吃到了有生以來吃過最好吃的老麥, 有新鮮熱辣的Cinnamon Sugar Pretzel. 不知為何跟加拿大只是一境之隔的美國總是先進得多. I'm a dumb Canadian *oo* living in a dumb country.

喺Outlet 度撞見3, 4 個朋友, 其中一個係我成日久唔久就會無嚟"啦lung"見到嘅"Vancouver Danny Summer". 都唔知應該叫做"邪" 定係"有緣". 不過, 成日都係咁, 想見到嘅就偏偏十世都見唔到, 無關痛癢的人就總會無啦啦出現.

渡過了好relaxed 的Christmas Long Weekend; 又要番工lu.

Song of the Day:
"目的地" ~ 張柏芝

Monday, December 26, 2005

峰迴路轉的auction, 唉!

終於買到心儀已久的Portable DVD Player, 尚欠一步就連PSP 都買下... 不過, 總覺得買PSP 就跟買iPod 一樣, 只為想擁有而擁有, 虛榮心比起物件本身的用途大得多. 希望自己幾天後不會把心一橫將Portable DVD Player return 了.

還沒有12-string 結他的音訊.

謝謝公主的招呼與介紹, I owe you! Good movie :D. Angelina Jolie 又真係有D 似容祖兒! 哈哈!

D 人又唔知幾時先番屋企啦?!

(我發覺越睇佢越似我之前打vball league 見到果個細菌, 哈!)
值得安慰的是, 佢地兩個塊面都勁闊! 嘻嘻!

Song of the Day:
"State of Mind" ~ 林一峰
"Down your heart, where I've been"
Chet 大晒英文功架之作.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

聖誕節的下午我竟然在睡午覺; 我想我真的有點累.

晚上吃了不知道算不算聖誕"大"餐的聖誕餐, 不過還是挺好的. Thanks!

重遊兩年前曾遊覽過的故地, nothing much changed, it's just not as cold.

I really wish that my family would have Christmas dinner @home EVERY YEAR like Princess' family has. That is super warm & sweet.

Let's keep "Christ" in Christmas, and remember Jesus is the reason for the season.

Go check this out:

Song of the Day:
"O Holy Night" ~ Mrs.Ho & PMPGC Choir