FISHLAMB'S MoMoLiu Blahtology

Saturday, December 03, 2005

人生中第二次試戴con. 結論係: 戴con 同游水應該都係喺同一個category 裡面, 就係, "我一世都做唔到嘅野". So miserable. 我估我又無無聊聊碌左百幾蚊出街lu.

Song of the Day:
"Donna Donna" ~ Joan Baez
結他Miss 很喜歡的一首歌, 希望有一日我都會識彈.
Something funny about this song:

Friday, December 02, 2005

最後, 今日SPV 無番工! 嘩哈! 唔知有無人見到我偷笑個樣?

多謝梁昌的visit & photo album, can't quite believe it. Thanks for everything; but, could you just pay attention to what I say. What's wrong with our communication channel?

雖然SPV 不在, 但我做到5 點幾先走, 因為條數埋唔到! 擺明SPV 係有責任啦! 有乜理由喺我entered 左D 野落個report 之後然後喺D forms 度改野, 仲要改左都唔話我知, 叫我要改埋份report?! 擺明"冼"我播? Either 佢係無交帶(無交帶過我!), or 佢真係分明"冼"我. 然後, 我就諗, 今次好明顯係佢錯囉, but how should I tell her then?? 當一個下屬發覺上司做錯野, 應該點開口?

Once again, all of a sudden, 我想番HYS 教書.

Miss 個Blog 越來越高深, 好難明. ?_? 又或者係我中文水平太低.

就快睇完第二本書; 從來未試過咁有興趣睇英文書, 應記一功. 哈!

我發覺我開始對At 17 無咁瘋狂... They are STARS now.

Dying slowly... 嚟緊超多野做 x__x"

Song of the Day:
"夢中人" ~ 古巨基
好勁, 特別中意開頭果幾句古巨基模仿王菲咁唱, 結果真係一句歌詞都聽唔到!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Defrosted album of the day: "OK Computer" by Radiohead. Obviously a classic as such must be one of Ellen's favourites; however, I ain't attracted at all. Out of the many songs (10+ songs) in the album, I only like 2 or 3 at most. Maybe they are still too dark & too sophisticated for me. Well, at the age of 25, if this band is still TOO SOPHISTICATED for me, chances are I'm not gonna like them for the rest of my life. Gotta sell the CD on Ebay someday, haha! I'd rather listen to Broken Social Scene, though they are already kinky enough for me.

Saw Daniel Powter's album in Wal-Mart. Um, I'm not gonna bet $17.99 on "Bad Day". Remember back then I bought "Jagged Little Pill" just for the sake of "Head Over Feet"; frankly, I was disappointed at first... Well, anyway, this Daniel Powter is kinda expensive.

Thanks to the brilliant LWC, that I needed to spend $5.35 for a teriyaki beef rice, and that my left over Kung Bo Chicken rice is still sitting in the fridge at home. Hate you.

It started snowing when I was driving home from work. Pretty. But gosh, it's freezing today! When I was walking to City Square during lunch break, I felt like my ears were falling off.

So many people will have day off tmr; therefore, it's like I'll be facing SPV 1-on-1. Ok, take it easy, it wouldn't be TOO bad :p. Come on, when did I start picking up this SPV-phobia?

Seems I gotta get my arse moving, when those stupid engineers / technicians keep showing off to me. Now, how about CGA? =_="

Song of the Day:
"送你一瓣的雪花" ~ 黎明

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Went to Great Wall for lunch the 2nd time within 3 days. Am I addicted? You know, the good thing about going to Great Wall is, I'll eat half of the lunch combo, and pack the other half for lunch tomorrow. That's such a great deal, haha! Can't imagine how could Emily & I finish ALL the food when we went there together. It's like, individually, we have one stomach each; but somehow when we get together, we've got 4 stomaches in total. Ain't that terrible? The worst thing about going there is, my whole body and my clothes and my bag will all smell like Chinese food afterwards. That's something I really hate, honestly.

No SPV around today & tmr, yeah! But she's coming back on Fri while Shirley won't be here; oh no!! It's bound to be a tragic Friday I can foresee. I kept telling myself that I should get as many things done as possible tomorrow to impress her. Well, but, why should I? :p

Song of the Day:
"迷魂記" ~ 王菲

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Life is short. Too short for quarrel & hatred. So, love the people around you. Make as many impacts on them as possible. You can't live forever, but your blessings may.

A few good things I've done since yesterday:

1. Sent a few ICQ offline messages to Brother whom I haven't talked to for months.
Said that I love him. I might not be very conscious when I said that, but who cares, as long as it brings a message.

2. Replied 2 emails to my old friends in HK - a thing that I should have done weeks ago.

3. Called my grandparents tonight. Grandma kept forgetting what I said just minutes ago, but lucky enough she still remembers me. Grandpa still bothered to take the bus to "bet on horses". I'm glad that he could manage to do that, but I'm kinda worried. I miss them.

4. Bought a new cooker for my family, knowing that the old one broke.

5. Didn't lose temper on my mom.

I felt so sick today. Thanks Mon for the "flu drink" and I was surprised that it didn't make me drowsy neither. And finally I realized where did all those swear words come from. Good book, coarse language though.

Not feeling well, not doing well. I'm too much overwhelmed. 生生死死使我受不起. :(

Song of the Day:
Name one for yourself, I don't have any.

Monday, November 28, 2005

太多噩耗, 太少喜訊.

Song of the Day:
"活著多好" ~ 陳奕迅

Sunday, November 27, 2005

見到今個冬天第一次落雪, 有D surprised, 因為無expect 過十一月尾就會見到雪. Miss 真係開口中! 嘩哈! 影左相, 拍左video, yeah! 依排見到的自然景象都令我好有感動, 好有感覺; thanks God for them.

無上主日學, 仲要食左肥仔老麥早餐, 很沮喪.

下午要開團契新舊組長職員會, 講出左我少少的心底話, 勸大家要學習take responsibilities. 依排唔知係咪因為有keep 住睇下書, 個人都溫馴左& 好左, 對住班細嘅講野, 我feel 到自己都幾語重心長. Nenson 真係唔錯呢! 希望佢繼續努力. 見到自己付出嘅心血有少少回報, 總算老懷安慰.

Unexpectedly we won both games tonight, though my contributions were minimal. Too bad that Sheffield wasn't here with us tonight, when we managed to outbeat 長毛's team with 25-12 in 2nd set! :D Thanks Leung Star for attending the games and eating with me. I LOVE TofuFa.

So, it's such a privilege to have the chance to express our thoughts & feelings. A whole new world.

睇完本書喇!!! 下一步: 租DVD 睇! 哈哈!

Song of the Day:
"sweet-smelling" ~ Ketchup
we don't have to eat
we don't have to sleep