我又無番主日學喇! 我的主日學老師一定不喜歡我. :( 唔, 點先可以鼓勵到自己準時出席呢? I really wish to...
見到有練歌的成果, 好感動. 練過的轉接位, solo 位, feature 位, 大家都做到晒, 無"lai" 野(連我都無"lai", that's pretty AMAZING, you know?!). Thanks God. Elmoly, too bad, you missed a lot, haha. 媽媽都missed a lot, 雖然我不覺得她會留意我. 繼續努力, 我想進步.
Xavier's Ordination was touching. Naomi is cute. Haven't seen Timmy playing guitar for a long, long time. 結果一日裡面唱左兩次"讓讚美飛揚".
去Crystal 吃了不太好吃又不太抵的shaved ice; 希望有機會去試肥羊火窩.
So sad that I can't play in Gal's League!!!!!!! OH NO!! >__<"
So, here are some "possible" solutions suggested by Jetsy (thanks...):
1. Switch to the HJSC for tuesday sessions.
[Yeah, closer to my home!]
2. Ask the Volleyball BC to refund or change the date (cuz it's their fault, they put Tuesday on the web, and only mentioned that there will be only make up sections on Thur....=P)
[Cool, Jetsy blamed Volleyball BC instead of blaming ME!]
3. Ask Aaron to shave and replace u (-_-'''')
[I really would like to see that, haha~]
4. Switch your class section?! (what time is your class btw)
[I'd like to withdraw it if I could!]
5. Half of you will go to class and half of you will go to vball....=P
[90% of the time I so much wanna clone myself!]
... Have fun gals, anyway... I'm so sad.
我還是比較喜歡含蓄的Blog, 有心人自能領會.
Song of the Day:
"18 相送" ~ hocc
送給Jazz & her "baby".