FISHLAMB'S MoMoLiu Blahtology

Saturday, September 23, 2006

一早起身, 除了聽到"地下街" 的alarm 鈴聲之外, 就係聽到"現在係由劉柏嘉報導新聞..."; 邪.

今日去到邊都發脾氣, 好憎自己. 睇番上個禮拜篇post, 原來上個星期六我又係勁發脾氣, 可能我需要訓多D 覺.

本來懶有大志地打算今日下晝去somewhere 溫書, 結果, 交白卷. 我做過D 乜? 就係"的" 起心肝用左幾個鐘搵晒"愁人節" 嘅chords -_-". 似乎我都未係好識分輕重. 不過, 首歌真係好正. 好"橋" 地, 當我不斷repeat 首歌嚟聽的時候, 收音機又無啦啦播喎, 好開心.

Mrs. Pang 突然變左Mr. Pang, 都幾唔掂. Thanks folks for making my mom's night, that was awesome! 突然間我有D 想回到過去(其實我成日都想:p), 再睇番究竟以前"淘大" 間屋有幾crazy.

Song of the Day:
"愁人節" ~ Kay
一日之內聽左咁多次, 唔揀佢都對唔住自己, 又對唔住阿Kay 啦.

Friday, September 22, 2006

朝早番到公司, 大概十點幾的時候開始覺得唔係好舒服, 本來打算坐多陣就請病假早走. 點知入去問左老細一D 野, 唔問尤自可(係咪咁寫?), 一問就發現左有好多sh*t 要收拾! 嚇一嚇, 仲邊想早走丫? 又苦命, 又命苦. Per Hippo: 究竟命苦苦D, 定係苦命苦D?

第一次喺Titus 領詩, 可惜(可幸?) 無錄video clips 俾Bean Bean. Ok la, 好在練歌練左成個禮拜, 因為到最後出到嚟連5 成都無. Still, it's such a privilege. 很投入, 投入到完全無望過大家一眼, 無禮貌? 哈哈.

去"茶文化" 的配搭幾特別, 但又能擦出火花, 都幾好丫.

唔... 究竟我聽日會唔會開始溫書呢? 謝謝Emily 的"見義勇為", I'll let you know either I need your book or your help, for sure! :D Thanks, gal.

Song of the Day:
"明目張膽" ~ hocc

Thursday, September 21, 2006

A boring Thursday afternoon, 3:30pm, stuck in office. Not that I’m not working, but the system is slow, my brain is slow, everything is slow – except for a few folks in the office who talk very, very fast. I look so lame whenever I talk to them.

So, Taxation 1 will start tonight @6:00pm, like “finally”. Yes, I’m worrying about the study itself, but there are much more to worry about apart from that. Can I get there on time? Where is the classroom? Where should I park my car? Do I need to pay a lot for parking? You know, things that are not as important as whether I can get a C+ at the end of the course, but they are crucial, somewhat.

Oh right, gals league will start tonight as well… ++ Oil gals; would really love to join you, but I can’t. Life is stupid; you can’t always choose to do what you want to do.

In the past few days, Jazz has become such a nightmare (and “daymare”) of mine. Just not possible to put her away from my mind, but keep thinking, thinking, thinking. You can’t imagine how great are the changes in people over the years. Well, you may consider I’m just over-reacting; and maybe I am. Too many feelings about old friends.

Ok, 10pm now, back from class. Thanks Heaven that it's actually a 3-hr class instead of 4-hr; I survived. 1st class, not too bad: found that there's a Tim HortonS in Langara, what a privilege; found that I could park my car on 49th if I'm lucky enough every Thursday; got to know 2 classmates who were sitting next to me tonight (actually there are many, many [good-looking] HK gals/ladies/women in the class); the instructor is ok... The WORST thing is, and it's really killing me, the textbook package costs $310!!!!! I almost passed out when I saw the tag. Yet, it's all sold out! Oh my goodness... Then i started to think that 90% of the class actually get tuition subsidies from their companies, thus they all get the nice & new textbooks! CRAZY.

So, back to school after 2+ yrs, feel like I don't belong when I see all the youngsters. I do think that I've changed, somehow. I actually did pay attention in class, can you believe it? Well, I need to get a C+.

Langara smells so much like Western place; haha, guess only PYZ Kid will understand what I mean. Nevermind. A germ looked at me in the caf!

Btw, gotta choose an alternate route next time rather than Cambie. Though it's good to think about the old days with Bean, the traffic is just intolerable.

Too much caffeine injection for the day.

Thanks "GGG" for bearing with me and changing the time & place, though you gals still rock even without my presence. Looking forward to next Tue!

Song of the Day:
"開學禮" ~ Hacken Lee

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

為了儀容, 為了waffle, 再加上整路改道天雨路滑, 搞到差D 遲到. 咁樣都竟然可以準時番到公司, 神蹟.

發覺我今日番工果套衫簡直可以用"Mix & Mess" 嚟形容. 咁無taste, 頒個最無品味服裝大獎俾你好唔好?

今日繼續收拾先人遺留落嚟的殘局; 點解要咁? 好煩啊... 搞到我放左工都仲係咁諗住D 問題應該點樣solve. 希望過埋Period 7 D 野會開始好睇D.

Lunch time 的時候外面風大雨大, 但我仍然一意孤行行左去City Square 的Food Court 食野. 感激回程的時候有久違了的Starbucks Americano 陪我. 我都唔知原來Starbucks 有比half & half 更肥仔(I suppose?) 的"coffee cream" 呢.

聽日就開學喇... 唉, 對於一點書卷味/ 墨水味都無的我嚟講, 真係一個好重嘅負擔嚟架! 好好享受今晚...

Btw, 因為唔可以喺Jetsy 個Blog 留言/ 遺言, 所以只好喺"庶" 回應佢啦...
1. My pleasure to be copied! :) [re Sept 17]
2. 世事無完美... 得閒碌落地. 乜都好, 加油!! [re Sept 19]

Song of the Day:
"啟示錄" ~ 謝霆鋒 x "我的世界末日" ~ 陳奕迅

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

吃不消那兩位志同道合的合道同志. 扮高深, 我最憎. From Mars & from Venus.

看完當年差一點會成為好朋友(我覺得) 的朋友的Blog 之後, 只可以用目瞪口呆嚟形容. 人事幾番新, 始料不及. 唉(一下誠心的嘆氣).或者, 不算純品的我, 又有甚麼資格批評別人. Life is sad.


Song of the Day:
"零藉口" ~ 方力申

Monday, September 18, 2006

沒有Len, 沒有Christine, 日子也就這樣過; 不過, 過得輕鬆一點爽一點.

繼 續office 的肥皂劇: 話說Dr. B-Irving sent 左封信俾D 高層(including Len), 詳細講述成件"無良公司無糧出" 事件的來龍去脈, 其中一項提到, "On September 14, I talked to a WOMAN in Finance... (下刪一百字)" Oh well, for the 1st time in my life I'm being described as "WOMAN"!! OMG... 想死. I guess "lady" would be a better word? Don't know what's on this old woman's mind. :p

I actually do think I need vball more than sushi, but... From time to time you just don't get to choose rationally. *THANKS* 日本餐, 想起Baby & 乖豬 -_-".
言談間突然記起了"so so" 的起源, 笑到反肚. So, sometimes it's not that pleasant to be such *ATTRACTIVE*, eh? 引來的目光不知會落在甚麼身上, 不知會看到甚麼. 哈哈.

Song of the Day:
"我們的主題曲" ~ Sammi

Sunday, September 17, 2006


我又無番主日學喇! 我的主日學老師一定不喜歡我. :( 唔, 點先可以鼓勵到自己準時出席呢? I really wish to...

見到有練歌的成果, 好感動. 練過的轉接位, solo 位, feature 位, 大家都做到晒, 無"lai" 野(連我都無"lai", that's pretty AMAZING, you know?!). Thanks God. Elmoly, too bad, you missed a lot, haha. 媽媽都missed a lot, 雖然我不覺得她會留意我. 繼續努力, 我想進步.

Xavier's Ordination was touching. Naomi is cute. Haven't seen Timmy playing guitar for a long, long time. 結果一日裡面唱左兩次"讓讚美飛揚".

去Crystal 吃了不太好吃又不太抵的shaved ice; 希望有機會去試肥羊火窩.

So sad that I can't play in Gal's League!!!!!!! OH NO!! >__<"
So, here are some "possible" solutions suggested by Jetsy (thanks...):
1. Switch to the HJSC for tuesday sessions.

[Yeah, closer to my home!]
2. Ask the Volleyball BC to refund or change the date (cuz it's their fault, they put Tuesday on the web, and only mentioned that there will be only make up sections on Thur....=P)
[Cool, Jetsy blamed Volleyball BC instead of blaming ME!]
3. Ask Aaron to shave and replace u (-_-'''')
[I really would like to see that, haha~]
4. Switch your class section?! (what time is your class btw)
[I'd like to withdraw it if I could!]
5. Half of you will go to class and half of you will go to vball....=P
[90% of the time I so much wanna clone myself!]
... Have fun gals, anyway... I'm so sad.

我還是比較喜歡含蓄的Blog, 有心人自能領會.


Song of the Day:
"18 相送" ~ hocc
送給Jazz & her "baby".