世紀奇聞... 超級中意訓覺的我, 唔知係咪因為尋晚食完藥粉之後太wing 太好訓, 今朝7 點幾醒左之後竟然訓唔番! 真係乜都有可能發生. 訓唔著, 起身睇下朋友仔嘅blog links; 發覺好多人嘅英文程度真係proficient 架喎! 我估我都算係英文差嘅人, 一見到一大堆英文blogs, 真係無乜心機睇. 到自己用英文寫blog 的時候又詞不達意, 未能好好表達自己. Seems it's a real big problem that I have to get over.
終於開始買RRSP; 大個左, 有用麼?
"Wish you were here" 嗎...? 搵次丫. :p
連續30+ hrs 唔洗頭, 究竟會發生乜野事呢可?
Lunch w/ 梁星; 好好味的芝士焗石斑飯! 唔明囉, 點解要將人地嘅錯歸咎於自己身上? 不過, 可能我都有份contribute, so, better not say a word. 點解我睇你好, 你唔可以都睇自己好? 唉, 有人好好命, 又要勁complain... @_@"
媽媽今日煲嘅湯無再"杰撻撻", 我都忍唔住讚佢; 然後我見到媽媽偷笑左一下! :)
開心 * 2,000,000!!! I can't believe I managed to get it done!! :)))))
嘩, KT Tunstall 真係勁到爆炸!! @_@" *目眩*
Song of the Day:
"Heal Over" ~ KT Tunstall
It isn't very difficult to see why
You are the way you are
Doesn't take a genius to realise
That sometimes life is hard
It's gonna take time
But you'll just have to wait
You're gonna be fine
But in the meantime
Come over here lady
Let me wipe your tears away
Come a little nearer baby
Coz you'll heal over
Heal over
Heal over someday
Everybody sails alone
But we can travel side by side
Even if you fail
You know that no one really minds
Come over here lady
... healed over, already?? ~_~"