FISHLAMB'S MoMoLiu Blahtology
恭喜晒Samantha & Stephen! 原來佢地係佢地個團契裡面第一對結婚嘅couple 呢! :) *Best Wishes* Btw, 我都好似未試過當牧師喺出面謝飯祈禱, 大家靜晒的時候, 我隔嚟會有個人繼續不斷好大聲咁講野, 很奇特. 個waiter 叔叔好搞野, 不斷同我地玩; 我懷疑佢偷飲左我地D 酒, 飲大左!Met a few of my highschool classmates at the banquet. Kinda surprised that they haven't changed much, though I haven't seen some of them for 5+ years! 仲有, 依個世界真係好細架! 當Friendster 的原理變成了真人版的時候, 真係幾驚.So, finally 去晒今年的N 個婚禮(= 宣告破產). 明年請早, 再接再勵.隱隱作痛, 你會知道嗎? Or do you think I don't care? :(((Song of the Day:"唯獨是你不可取替" ~ 許志安給Sam & Stephen.
Don't be silly, you won't wanna die that soon. :p我變了; 又或者, 事實係整件事實在totally BUSTED, anything else I can do? You know, it's kinda discouraging after you've tried so hard to prevent this & that, yet you soon found that you aren't making any differences at all, if not doing something destructive. Is my inborn desire of doing things right proven to be futile?Welcome back, dude. 往返機場的路上很大霧.從e-mail 收到的, 幾得意:人 = 吃飯 + 睡覺 + 上班 + 玩豬 = 吃飯 + 睡覺代入: 人 = 豬 + 上班 + 玩即: 人 - 玩 = 豬 + 上班結論: 不懂玩的人 = 會上班的豬 (I like this!)男人 = 吃飯 + 睡覺 + 掙錢豬 = 吃飯 + 睡覺代入: 男人 = 豬 + 掙錢即: 豬 = 男人 - 掙錢結論: 男人不掙錢等于豬女人 = 吃飯 + 睡覺 + 花錢豬 = 吃飯 + 睡覺代入: 女人 = 豬 + 花錢即: 女人 - 花錢 = 豬結論: 女人不花錢的都是豬綜上:男人為讓女人不變成豬而掙錢!女人為讓男人不變成豬而花錢!Song of the Day:"換日線" ~ 古巨基
人往天飛 雲往後吹我在換日線上 忍著淚我追不上 一路往後退的時間思念結成雪 往黑夜裡墜夜已經黑 心已經灰我在換日線上 往前飛左手的夜 讓右手的日光燒成灰我該留戀 還是重新再愛一回送給即將遠行的你.
今日總共飲左3 杯coffee:1st cup: 住家炮製Hazelnut flavour coffee2nd cup: Max's Americano (free one from stamp card)3rd cup: Tim HortonS @ Langara, as usual.係咪真係危害健康架?恭喜手術成功... 唔好再咁DISGUSTING 喇! :p張床唔知係咪有野咬我, 依幾日個身好痕啊! 唉, 我估我都有少少污糟. 終於, 換左床單.Taxation D 野越來越難, 個先生亦好似教得越來越差... 唔知點解佢要講得咁快? 又抄唔切又理解唔切, 都唔知做乜. 今晚終於似番平時的我 - 上堂想訓覺! 哈哈~ 唔識死... x_X"Yeah! 完成! Good try, I guess.一晚.Song of the Day:"舊傷新痕" ~ 周華健身痕...:(
很疲憊... 連私人時間都奉獻埋俾份工, 我開始覺得有D 過份. 喂, 我係clerk 仔咋喎, 唔係高層啊! 仲有一個月先到3 個月的限期, 或者我應該選擇番去A/R.Accruals 嘅numbers 大到爆炸, 擔心左兩日一夜; 點知Christine 反而話"awesome". Accounting 真的很無聊. 算係做晒我period end 要做嘅野, 不過其他野嚴重behind, 而且仲有retro payment 呢! 繼續做到死為止.很heavy 的A&W Dine-for-2... Sorry, 我真係以為有chubby chicken 呢. 其實我都已經夠chubby 喇. 很恐怖的景象, 深印腦海; 祝手術成功.Bluenotes tees 3 for $10!!!!! :D 發覺Wal-Mart D 野越來越貴.唔知出年仲有無Worship Team, 請大家切切祈禱.唔明點解無啦啦會"joined a group"? 唉...Song of the Day:"詩情" ~ Ivana
好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊好想喊Cissy 竟然喺加拿大出世, Discovery of the Day.黃Mon 走了, 我竟然連打個電話俾佢的時間都無.打算聽晚去溫書, 點知原來要練歌!! 我想死.告辭了, 要做野了, 勁想喊. :(Song of the Day:"後遺" ~ 謝霆鋒
Joanne & Henry 的結婚大典. 原定要10:30am 番到教會, 但係我10:45am 先番到... :p 其實我依排通常去邊都好準時架喇, 不過今朝實在難逃睡魔的爪牙.唔... Banquet 比較悶... 被編了跟不太熟悉的團友仔坐, 很悶很悶, 跟上個禮拜的experience 大相徑庭. 很奇怪, 一直期待Joanne & Henry 的婚禮究竟會有幾破傳統(based on what he said in Summer Camp), 但最終卻有點叫人失望. AnywayS, best wishes to them!Sorry, 黃Mon, 陪唔到你, 搞到你連續幾餐都食sushi...我真係肥左好多... :(Song of the Day:"起飛" ~ 欣兒修身堂正式登陸溫哥華.
鬥苦的一晚過後, 今朝竟然8:30am 準時番到church, amazing. Thanks God, 雖然上次練歌的時間不足, 但係今日Worship 的氣氛好好; "not by might, not by power, but by the Spirit of God". 聯合崇拜full house 的場面真的很感動.
好耐未食過$4.99 韓國餐喇! 謝謝Nenson 的提議.
在Ikea 遊蕩, Nenson 都不失為一個知慳識儉的小朋友. 而我, 無乜買野俾自己, 反而係幫屋企買.
I guess I'm really too occupied these days... Many things to do, many things to care about, day after day. Just got something finished, another jumped right in. 變相, 日子過得很快, 但所有事件都來得快去得快, 未及思索就已經擦身而過. 黃Mon 匆匆又來到了YVR, 之前我好似乜都無預備, 連去邊度食飯都無乜諗過. 謝謝FF 的加入, 令飯局生色不少. Thanks for the ride, too. 終於有機會食到cheesecake etc., somewhere I've always meant to bring you to. It's disappointing that I can't spare one more day for you, but I still wish you'll enjoy your short stay. 喺加拿大渣車其實係要睇signals 的. Are we running out of topics already? I disagree with LamBo; it's not that we are too different, we just can't go beyond certain wall. 雖然我的天性總催促我去fix problems, 但始終一天我會學會接受.
Getting better, I'm so proud of myself.
細菌detector, 很敏銳呢.
不想鬥苦, 但總在你面前感覺比較苦.
番到屋企見到媽咪無拎拐仗喺度行緊!!! 勁crazy!!! SUPERWOMAN 重出江湖...Song of the Day:"愛得太遲" ~ 古巨基大熱作品, 不過我都唔係特別中意, 揀佢純粹因為今晚聽過.