FISHLAMB'S MoMoLiu Blahtology

Saturday, September 02, 2006

心碎, 加心力交瘁. 金絲雀.

Song of the Day:
"沒有夏娃的伊甸園" ~ Chet Lam
消失於地平線 改天再見

Friday, September 01, 2006

最後一日沒有Len 又沒有Christine, 但也不見得我有好日子過. It's all my fault -> how could I totally forget to pay the bi-weekly stipend?! So the docs yelled at Barb, who eventually yelled at Todd & me, in the mean time the docs are leaving messages for Len, who would probably yell at me too when he comes back. Well, being paid $7k or $10k bi-weekly, I never think the docs NEED the bucks. But, it was still my fault, and I'M SORRY. Gee, there are way too many things to look after, no kidding. :( Bad Day, right before the long weekend.

5 個人去i-cafe 食lunch, 很飽很肥. 坐在型姑隔嚟, 同佢好似熟絡左, 但又好似無以前覺得佢咁型. 唔, 兩件事有無correlation 嘅呢?

本來想留到6pm or 6:30pm, 不過, 5:45pm 已經有少少腦部缺氧情況出現, 唯有撤退. 又無其他人OT, OT 又無人工, 而且5:05pm 就已經連A/C 都熄埋, 擺明趕人走嗟! 所以呢, 我留到5:45pm 已經算係傑出員工架喇! 唉, 不過長遠嚟講依個post 真係唔係好掂, 多野做到爆燈啊! :(

5:15pm 之後, A/C 關了, 大老細走了, 四週死寂一遍, 然後我的w810i 就大派用場. 聽著Ellen 唱出"微風中歸家, 人疲倦得可怕...", 很享受.

同大公主傾完計之後, 我覺得我係完全無可能讀到CGA 的. Crap.

恨透Fido. 3 months in a row, do they ever know what is customer service?

7 年來第一次無得去生活營的Labour Day long weekend, 我會怎樣過?

Song of the Day:
"happy sadie" ~ ketchup
Are you happy with me?
鏡中的自己(& 現實的自己):
唔夠型, 唔夠靚,
唔夠高, 唔夠瘦,
唔夠勤力, 唔夠醒...
Am I happy with me? -_-"

Thursday, August 31, 2006

忙得不可開交. :( 是我能力有限, 還是依個position 確確實實係搵笨的? 時常想起the folks on 2nd floor, 開開心心準時開工準時放工又一日. Gee, don't complain.

花了35 min 去教個醫生太太點樣用個system. 收線之後唔夠5 分鐘又再打嚟問一D 明明頭先已經教過佢嘅野. 我估我可以去IMIS 做Technical Support and make like $26/hr. 透徹了解點解Roxanne 要搶住去Richard 伯伯個位. A BIG MESS in Sessional Billing!

Not a very pleasant meal @i-cafe, eew. But thanks.

媽咪終於出院喇! Thanks God.


Song of the Day:
"畫出彩虹" ~ 陳百強

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

親力親為的替黃小寶洗白白, 終於可以get rid of 車頭的兩大pat "jessie", 好鬼開心.

Today's injection: alcohol & caffeine, hardly H2O. 似乎唔係好健康. 竟然去到Joey's Tomato 無食Apple Pie; 不過Rock Crab & Artichoke Dip 都好好味. 但都係食中餐抵好多(with Calamari = "椒鹽尤魚").

Factory Worker 拎住張金卡通街晒, 都咪話唔驚. Blue Collar?! 唔好玩我啦!

沒有危難意識的人請勿到倫敦, 或者紐約.

尖叫聲, woo woo.

媽咪可望明日出院; 等著您回來.

Song of the Day:
"Front Row" ~ Alanis Morissette
Raise the roof.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

謝謝梁昌帶我去粥麵館, 餓左一餐好食D 嘅午餐好耐. Thanks.

衰D 講句, 媽咪入左醫院, 我食野仲食得健康左. 哈, 衰女包. 謝謝各界Aunties 好友的湯水& 飯麵.

Work life is getting tougher... Kill me, please.

謝謝牛牛的Joke of the Day, laugh my head off. :D 故事的教訓: 點都好, 真係點都好, 日頭唔好講人.


睇番上個星期二篇Blog, 慶幸當日同左爸爸媽媽剪樹枝, 同埋去左"砂煲" 打邊爐; 珍惜眼前人.

好大壓力, 好想好想聽晚去食餐好嘅, 或者去睇有好多BSS 配樂的Half Nelson, 或者去打場bowling... 不過, 10/10 我都係得個諗字, 頂多加副諗樣.

Song of the Day:
"萬片希望在明天" ~ 蔣志光x 韋綺珊
共勉之... Sigh.

Monday, August 28, 2006

沒有Len 沒有Christine 的日子, free 得可以, 不過桌面放滿一大堆需要完成的工作. 太多野做太難做唔識做, 結果我選擇了去做一D 十分無聊亦都唔趕嘅野, 有點本末倒置. 明天請更加努力.

媽媽的fever 仍未有好轉; "鄧" 老豆辛苦. 我係good kid, 亦係bad kid.

唉, I MISS VBALL GAME!!!!! :(

挑戰極限, 屢創高峰. 林一峰, 林二汶, 林三乜野好呢?

Song of the Day:
"大開眼戒" ~ Eason

Sunday, August 27, 2006

今日俾機會自己做番乖女, 用番多少少時間去陪媽咪. Again, get well soon, Mom. 辛苦了爸爸.

謝謝團友仔們的關心, thanks a bunch.

同Elmoly 去左Crystal Mall 食刨冰, tasty! 彭太同Elmoly 又一相似地方: the only 2 ppl who praised my pants today.

沒有番工mood AT ALL...

Song of the Day:
"18 相送" ~ hocc

So, how did I get this song as my Song of the Day...
FishLamb says:
name a song
1st one in your mind

AGNES i believe i can fan tas tic says:
1st one?

FishLamb says:
come on
FishLamb says:
name a song

AGNES i believe i can fan tas tic says: a song which is in my mind @ this moment?

FishLamb says:

AGNES i believe i can fan tas tic says:
18 X song
AGNES i believe i can fan tas tic says:
or "be prepared"

FishLamb says:
what 18 X?

AGNES i believe i can fan tas tic says:
i listened to hocc album...kept listening to these two songs..
FishLamb says:
oh i see

AGNES i believe i can fan tas tic says:
u got it?

(yes, i got it... finally. thx.)