FISHLAMB'S MoMoLiu Blahtology
下雨天, 很"醃" 悶...動搖嗎? No no no, that's not gonna work.睇西片, 學英文, 還不錯. Well, at least I watch them in a legal way. :p $2.50 per movie, with subtitles to make sure I understand every part of it, that's awesome.Song of the Day:"Leaving on a Jet Plane" ~ John Denver
極度stressed out & burnt out 的Friday. 又挑戰極限. 真的很累; 還能捱多久?
Responsible vs Pathetic.
What God said to me tonight:"I have seen something else under the sun:The race is not to the swiftor the battle to the strong,nor does food come to the wiseor wealth to the brilliantor favor to the learned;but time and chance happen to them all." ~ Ecclesiastes 9:11... bang on!! And then..."... Do not fret when men succeed in their ways...Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;do not fret - it leads only to evil." ~ Psalm 37:7-8... wow! 2 weeks in a row God speaks to me at the most appropriate time!Trust me, I'm fat. :p有些裂痕無法修補.Song of the Day:"一廂情願" ~ 謝霆鋒
10pm, 安坐家中, 但仍然要做野. 才是period end 的第一日, 我已經唔識得應該點survive. 長遠嚟睇真係唔掂. **SAD**仲有兩個禮拜就開學, 好驚. 我會無life 嗎?我的INABILITY, 隨處可見.:(Song of the Day:"We've Only Just Begun" ~ Carpenters
抵受了2 sausage 'n eggers for $4 的引誘, 只係買左一個, 結果飽到連lunch 都食唔落, 淨係飲左杯Pomegrante Frapp. 自從Starbucks 推出左依隻frapp 之後, 我用Starbucks Dollars 用到有如開水喉一樣.無無聊聊, 竟然俾我balance 到點樣去clear up 果堆爛鬼A/R accounts, THANKS GOD!! 唉, 唔明點解要我去收拾爛攤子, 搵笨. 聽日就係period end, can I just die at my desk?又無無聊聊, 打左領呔影左相, 還左心願(有點變態).
哈哈, 乜原來Leyond 作俾Henry 果首結婚歌係inspired by BSS 架?? :D有點不忿, 但又有點pride. 衰.很肥很肥, 但又停唔到口, hate myself for that.Song of the Day:"赤地雪" ~ 容祖兒學Ben 仔話: 好聽到反轉.就唱勵志的歌即使想發狂 還更想釋放憤怒過會害怕 怕為你又再失望
又一個禮拜, 又一年.做野做到6pm 的我, 死而無憾. (我知道6pm 有得放工對好多人嚟講已經係好早; 不過, given that 我已經係全公司最遲走果個, 就唔同講法啦!) Thanks God, 擔心了一整個long weekend 的工作, 有點點"船到橋頭自然直" 的感覺; 繼續加把勁.My past long weekend was my Lots-of-CDs Weekend. Got Daniel Powter & Stabilo from Best Buy, then got Tori Amos & Carpenters & 給公主的Frente! from Apollo Music. It's kinda disappointing that Apollo is actually selling more vinyls than CDs nowadays; thanks to all the downloads & ipods! :p I miss the days when it was still on St. John, when we were in Gr.11/12, carefree. So, Carpenters is AWESOME! The music, the vocal... Dim the lights, light the candles, and listen to Carpenters.謝謝Nenson... 咁鬼有心, you rock! :)Song of the Day:"愛與誠" ~ 古巨基做隻寵物至少可愛迷人和你不瞅不睬最終只會成為敵人淪為舊朋友是否又稱心沒有心 只像閒人
很無聊, 爆無聊, 喪無聊.Oh Nenson, welcome back! 唔該你新一年俾D 心機讀書. :pSong of the Day:"天才與白痴" ~ 古巨基Who is who?
新一季Sunday School 的第一堂就缺席了, 沒用的我.
God speaks to me the same thing twice on the same weekend, isn't that terrifying? The God, the faith, are both so real. I wanna be good.
終於看完"Lost in Translation", 正正就是"同是天涯淪落人, 相逢何必曾相識" 的感覺. 可惜買不到soundtrack.
Okie... Guess I should start on my work?? Gosh...
Song of the Day:
"半天假" ~ 許志安