Blah SopSax Blah Snowboard
FishLamb is overwhelmed by her new toys – a soprano saxophone & a new snowboard!
Whoa, busy day.
Work-wise isn't busy at all, in fact pretty "hea" all week long.
Not only that I am free, even my coworkers are so free that they don’t need my help.
Well I guess life is fair: the past Christmas was a pain, and now everybody is kinda relieved, at least for a week or so.
We cooked last night, so I packed rice for lunch today.
You won't know how excited I am whenever I have rice for lunch!
Spent 1/2 hour on eating & web-browsing, and another 1/2 hour @ Wal-Mart.
Have a special sentiment about the Deerfoot Mall Wal-Mart because the design & layout of the store is 99% same as the Lougheed Mall Wal-Mart (I guess I talked about this before...).
There are lots of Chinese New Year items for sale @ Wal-Mart; I was being tempted to buy some decorations for office / home. XD But, no, didn't get any.
TaoTi green tea is sold for $0.98 only, even cheaper than T&T (I mean, that's even cheaper than getting a can of Coke @ caf!)!
How can you beat my favorite store?
Rushed to St. John Music right after work.
First time taking Deerfoot Trail during rush hours, man, it was brutal!! @_@"
I'm glad that we live in Tuscany.
So, the stupid St. John Music.
Old crappy building, not cool at all.
Nobody greeted me as I entered, so I might as well browse around on my own first.
They do carry quite a lot of band instruments supplies, and it was the first time I saw plastic reeds (ignorant Y, as always).
So then finally I went to the counter to pick up my soprano saxophone. I believe the person who handled the transaction was the (stupid) person who took my phone calls. Oh well, his attitude was OK today, so I forgave him. :p
Wow, soprano sax… I'm surprised that they also included the mouthpiece ("sanitized" as it says) & a brand new reed – whew, I just found out not long ago that my alto sax mouthpiece won't fit!
This new [rented] toy is a bit lighter than my alto sax, and the case is also smaller. Wish I’ll make good friends with him (yes, "him", not "her", just like WSB & Blue Taka ah!)!!
$40 for a month, that's an awesome deal! I mean, when we went snowboarding and rented the gears for only 5hrs, we paid the same $$!
Next thing: went to pick up MA from work, and went to TD Square to get my new snowboard!!
Wow, snowboard… SSC is right, what a pity that I finally got my own gear but I'm no longer in Vancouver… =(
Life is ironic ah.
Thanks Abraham for the employee discount (board = $100, bindings = $70), saved a lot though I've spent a lot already!!
Spoiled as MA, got his own gear already after only boarding for once!! *JEALOUS*
So, we are all on the hook, wah ha~~
Gotta try the new gear out next Saturday, so excited ah!!

Went to MAM's place for dinner; if not, we will get owned. XD
Got home @ 9-ish, then I spent almost an hour in the kitchen, and I still can't figure out why was that! =(
Desperate Y.
And finally, I don't have time to try out my new toy. Ah chur...
I just can't take / face / handle it…
New bracelet: WSFLD – What Should FishLamb Do?
Whoa, a post in English, love it. :)
But I guess I won’t read it again. -_-" I love English, but not the reading part, haha!!
Song of the Day:
"Fix You" ~ Coldplay
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