沒有Len, 沒有Christine, 日子也就這樣過; 不過, 過得輕鬆一點爽一點.
繼 續office 的肥皂劇: 話說Dr. B-Irving sent 左封信俾D 高層(including Len), 詳細講述成件"無良公司無糧出" 事件的來龍去脈, 其中一項提到, "On September 14, I talked to a WOMAN in Finance... (下刪一百字)" Oh well, for the 1st time in my life I'm being described as "WOMAN"!! OMG... 想死. I guess "lady" would be a better word? Don't know what's on this old woman's mind. :p
I actually do think I need vball more than sushi, but... From time to time you just don't get to choose rationally. *THANKS* 日本餐, 想起Baby & 乖豬 -_-".

Song of the Day:
"我們的主題曲" ~ Sammi
"so so" ----> it sounds so familiar ah, cin! is it from someone we know? hahahaha
um... WHO is "so so" or WHAT is "so so" ne?
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