見到今個冬天第一次落雪, 有D surprised, 因為無expect 過十一月尾就會見到雪. Miss 真係開口中! 嘩哈! 影左相, 拍左video, yeah! 依排見到的自然景象都令我好有感動, 好有感覺; thanks God for them.

無上主日學, 仲要食左肥仔老麥早餐, 很沮喪.
下午要開團契新舊組長職員會, 講出左我少少的心底話, 勸大家要學習take responsibilities. 依排唔知係咪因為有keep 住睇下書, 個人都溫馴左& 好左, 對住班細嘅講野, 我feel 到自己都幾語重心長. Nenson 真係唔錯呢! 希望佢繼續努力. 見到自己付出嘅心血有少少回報, 總算老懷安慰.
Unexpectedly we won both games tonight, though my contributions were minimal. Too bad that Sheffield wasn't here with us tonight, when we managed to outbeat 長毛's team with 25-12 in 2nd set! :D Thanks Leung Star for attending the games and eating with me. I LOVE TofuFa.
So, it's such a privilege to have the chance to express our thoughts & feelings. A whole new world.
睇完本書喇!!! 下一步: 租DVD 睇! 哈哈!
Song of the Day:
"sweet-smelling" ~ Ketchup
we don't have to eat
we don't have to sleep
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