Blah Cancelled Blah 失望
FishLamb is sad & disappointed. =(((
一起身睇到SSC 的sms, and yes, SSC IS COMING TO TOWN!! I thought...
7:25am 先出門口, 不過今日係12/24 喎, 唔係話仲會塞車呀嘛?
不過依邊D 人好似真係唔係點放假乜滯的, 喺Vancouver 的時候, 12 月中就已經少車過平時好多啦!
依邊好誇張架, 今日12/24, 公司個停車場都仍然同平時一樣crowded, 一樣要泊車泊到老遠!
渣車番工的途中, MA 話check 過website, SSC 班機應該"on time" (whereas 11:00am 果班就"cancelled", 以為無事啦.
點知, 到8 點幾的時候, SSC sms 我叫我check 多次, 我先發現大部份航班都變晒"cancelled" 囉!!
那失望的感覺都唔知應該點形容... =((
最抵死係好多West Jet flights 都照飛, 但係Air Can 就唔飛囉!! WHAT THE?! (That's why I never like Air Can!!)
之後仲要難為SSC 搭巴士番屋企, 又要即刻諗應該點變陣...
Air Canada? West Jet? Grey Hound?
結果SSC 都係決定cancel Air Can, 改book West Jet, 但係就要聽晚9 點幾先到(如果順利起飛的話...). 叫做攞番個尾彩嗎??
SAD... 以為可以一齊過Christmas, 點知, 無丫! =((
Guess this is what Alfred & 醫生仔 have been through on Monday, 但針唔"吉" 到肉真係唔知痛.
I'll wait for you.

Haircut in the afternoon, 本來又係特登打算帶SSC 去見識下Ivy 的, 點知都係無丫! =((
For the very first time, I hate snow THAT much.
Song of the Day:
"Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" ~ Judy Garland
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now
本來是"ourselves", 而家變成"yourself" 了. =(((
Air Can should be not good la.. it always delay.. even though for the flights to HK... AC008.. usually they will delay and add the AC2008 for travellers... but delay is good for me few years ago.. cause they will send my heavy 32kg luggagae to Choi Hung without hesitation... Air Can becomes Air Cannot not... hahahahha
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