Blah Lobster Blah Ice Cold
FishLamb is writing her Blog in English at work. :p
Saturday - Dec 13:
*** MA needed to work, so I slept 'til 12 something in the afternoon. SWEET! :D
*** Grace Melodia meeting in the afternoon @ Ivan's place.
First meeting of the group so far, it was a bit odd as some of us don't even know each other.
During the meeting, I kept thinking of BBB & her ACM folks... Am I gonna make good friends with these GM folks just like BBB with her ACM folks?
The praise time lead by Dr.Jai was great.
*** Supposedly we needed to attend MA's company dinner.
Turned out we HAD TO skip it because we were attending "Lobster Night" of our cell group (the decision was well-justified obviously).
We were supposed to wear costumes, yet only MA & Dr.Jai did. XD
Anyways... BIG THANKS to Lucia & Christy, who cooked all the awesome food tonight.
It was funny that people wanna play MahJog so bad that, they actually drove to a nearby friend's home to pick up the "equipment".
As for me, I was a bit drunk & I just laid on the couch watching "Walk with Enemy".
*** I really wish to watch Northland's debut... =(
*** Ben Jai & Sabrina, welcome to Cowgary!
Sunday - Dec 14:
*** Oh no, skipped Sunday School again but it wasn't up to me this time... :p
*** Glad to have Lee's Family & Angie & Ben Jai & Sabrina coming over for hotpot dinner.
Of course, Rock Band Night again~ XD
TODAY - Dec 15:
*** It's freaking cold in Cowgary these days, like -27 without wind chill (probably down to -40 with wind chill?!).
As soon as you go outside, you can feel the chill, especially your nose - it's like the moisture in your nose starts to freeze right away. Ridiculous.
I mean... This place is definitely for polar bears or penguins only...
*** So the drive to work was horrible, and I was late for work for 15mins.
*** Quite free at work today.
*** Keep listening to "Shearwater" & "Vampire Weekend" these days, but still can't get myself into "Sigur Ros"...
In fact, in what language they are singing?? =_="
Well, like I'm saying goodbye to Canto-Pop - for the moment.
Song of the Day:
"Rooks" ~ Shearwater
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