都係咁啦, 長週末前夕, 做野做得好慢. 到放工嘅時候仲做唔晒SPV 吩咐我做嘅野添! 唉! 擔心~ 不過好彩有個long weekend 隔一隔, 可能到星期一佢已經唔記得呢, 哈! (但係我又懶有交帶咁留左張紙仔話佢知我做唔晒wor...??)
Started my day with Max's Americano, 不過麻麻地好飲, 有D 失望. 帶左個donut 番公司食, 不過Ines 買左Tim Horton bagels 請大家食, 我都拎左半個Blueberries Bagel, 好味道啊! 下次我如果去Tim Horton 都會揀Blueberries Bagel instead of Everything Bagel, 仲要係唔駛"toasted with butter" 都好好味! 正! 睇嚟我又開始食好多野喇! 大件事! *oo*

放工行左過去Artona, 受到不禮貌對待, 勁想投訴個receptionist 囉! 咁嘅人又會做到receptionist, 睇嚟我做F.A. 都指日可待. 話時話, 我依期唔知係咪特別樣衰, 今日已經係第三次俾唔識嘅人用藐視嘅眼神& 態度對待! I'm ugly, but shouldn't be THAT ugly??
之後去左Best Buy, 我差DD 就下決心買左部Portable DVD Player 架喇! 不過最後都無買... 我已經係SHOPAHOLIC. 哈哈, 見到OLP 隻碟賣得好貴, 我都開心番D.
Oak 橋大塞車, it took me 1+hr to go from Broadway to Richmond, wasn't that utterly terrible? 再加上我又勁兜錯路! 唉! 我都話我一去Richmond 就係路盲嚟架啦! 救命! 到我去到Enoch's 10th Anniversary Dinner 的時候, 我已經呈現呆滯狀態, 久久未能tune in. 有D 飄忽. Anyway, that was a nice time there, 希望佢地繼續努力. 好飽. Btw, 又有人話我熟口面喇! 其實我係咪果種沉一沉船都浸死幾個果種?
Long weekend, 又無人工! 唉!
Song of the Day:
"Ode To My Family" ~ The Cranberries
of coz yao gay wiew!! we can go even tho we don't work at vch ma!! kekekeke.....i was laughing so hard when i read the part on you eating the greek food...hahah...i can so imagine! haha..=PPPP i miss you!!!!!! i miss tim hortons too! haha!! have you gotten a lot skinnier since i'm not here to eat eat eat eat eat with you? kekekeke
haha~ you should try that someday too! no, actually you should try the Greek Wrap i once had, that is pretty good! :D Tim's Cinnamon Bun & Blueberries Bagel are great too! woo hoo, so you'll know that probably i ain't getting any thinner though you are not around! cuz i still eat^3 though not eat^5! did you contact Cecilia?
i havent contacted her yet....but i think it's strange asking her to buy me cereal...haha...maybe you tell her....hahaa
i dunno which one you want bor...?
it's ok ga, cuz she told me she can get you what you want from here, so just email her la! :D
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