Blah 週末 Blah 斑芙
FishLamb is gonna have an awesome weekend. :D
謝謝妳用5 分鐘去洗乾淨所有打邊爐食物, 哈哈哈. :D
Friday 本來都已經唔係工作mood, 更何況有SSC 在, 我都唔明點解我會呆坐於office 之內. =_=" 錯丫.
放工, 出發去Banff, YEAH!!
Oops, 路盲始終係路盲, 仍然都係會蕩失路. :p
最後可以平安到步, 都算感謝Jee 啦!
其實今次係我第一次策劃D 咁嘅trip, 從book 房到check-in 都係我, 真係有D 緊張. @_@"
幸好間房十分整潔, 大家似乎都幾滿意.
Sorry about the late dinner, 希望大家吃得飽啦. =)
有我唯一的drink-mate 在, 真好. Belgium beer 特登為妳而買的.
很累很累, 但也不敢& 不忍閉上眼, 因為我知我會3 秒之後訓著.
請振作; 天父在, 我也在. =((
Come on girl, we're still gonna enjoy our weekend & our time spent together.
Song of the Day:
"陪妳失眠" ~ 林一峰
不折不扣. =/
wish one day we can go to banff together too..
你嚟探我的話, 一定同你去啊! :D
the meatball seems very delicious?? what kind of meatballs? some students didn't know how to say that in English? They say "cow ball" "cow ball", the shop manager misunderstood they want to find "cowboy" ---> bang bang bang bang
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