Blah 出糧 Blah Lifted
FishLamb is lifted; hallelujah!
以為公司走左我份糧, 點知剛剛好, 今日出糧!! =)
好耐無試過出糧的興奮感覺了, 真好.
雖然之前都收過EI, 但始終唔及得到番工賺番嚟嘅錢興奮呢! (原來我無自己想像中咁好食懶飛...)嘩, 原來Canada Safeway 由1929 年已經開始有架喇!
咁咪就嚟80 週年? 嘩... 咁都算勁啦!
偶然的機會之下, 今日突然讓我有機會同公司個IT Supervisor 接洽, 幾個emails 往返之後, 佢幫我搞掂左我個mailbox, 終於可以收到外來的emails 喇!!
Treat of the Week!!
Bother 左我成兩個禮拜的難題, 其實可以好快就搞掂! 仲俾之前helpdesk 個人呃左我添! :p
本週的轉捩點 - Journey Fellowship...
頹了好幾日, 很頹的番到團契當中. Well, actually 臨出門口又再加多樣野煩, 勁想鬧人... =/
原來今晚的"Journey with God" 係邀請左幾位弟兄姊妹分享過往去短宣的經歷(Journey 團也真的人才濟濟啊!!).
聽著聽著, 心裡很感動.
之前幾日我的思想一直被困在某個框框裡, 不能釋放出來, 思緒不斷被纏繞, 不能自制.
週會當中, 我一邊在聽, 一邊在暗自禱告; 突然間, 心境澄明了, 釋懷了.
擔心也是無用, 儘管交托給天父吧!!
世界這樣大, 這麼多人需要福音, 我卻封閉自己在框框裡亂兜圈. ...枉為人.
...當然還得多謝一些"戰友" 在背後的禱告; 我知道我在Cowgary 走過的每一步路, 都有你們的禱告托住. =)
但那等候耶和華的, 必從新得力, 他們必如鷹展翅上騰, 他們奔跑卻不困倦, 行走卻不疲乏.
Tonight, I truly felt the presence of God, and I've been lifted by Him.
God surely answers prayers. Just cast our cares upon Him.
今晚E0 都有份分享. 一向MA 都話覺得佢似BBB, 今晚聽著佢分享仲覺得似添啊!!
Oh, how I miss my Bean.
小組分享祈禱的時候, 忍唔住滴左幾滴眼淚; 其實都唔駛咁激動嘅. ~_~"
俾D 組員們知道我又感性又文靜又斯文添... XD
謝謝護士小姐的分享 - 像耶和華帶以色列人過紅海一樣, 我們以為神將我們帶到絕處絕路當中嗎? 其實神一早已經為我們開路.
...其實我都害怕過左今晚之後, 到聽日我又再次無能力去面對; 不過, in God I trust.
Song of the Day:
"Cry in My Heart" ~ Starfield
There's a cry in my heart
For Your glory to fall
For Your presence to fill up my senses
There's a yearning again
A thirst for discipline
A hunger for things that are deeper
Could You take me beyond?
Could You carry me through?
If I open my heart?
Could I go there with You?
(For I've been here before
But I know there's still more
Oh, Lord, I need to know You)
For what do I have
If I don't have You, Jesus?
What in this life
Could mean any more?
You are my rock
You are my glory
You are the lifter of my head
Lifter of this head
oh darling, isn't that wonderful! hallelujah!
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