Blah 魚欲 Blah 無言
FishLamb is desperate.
今日經我再三上網調查, 終於俾我知道Skype crashes 的真正原因!!
原來唔係Vista 的問題, 而係Bluetooth 的問題!
又係喎, 怪唔知得都係用Vista 的媽媽一直都相安無事啦! I should have figured it out earlier than this. Stupid Y.
Anyway, forum 嘅人提供左解決辦法, 但係我都仍然經歷左一次crash.
最後我嘗試modify 佢少少, 暫時都OK; 希望真係OK 啦!
咁都好, 至少知道唔係Skype 有毒搞到部電腦crash. Whew~
好野, 買到MIKA 的concert DVD! :)
仲買左新的guitar strap... 雖說係for 結他機的玩具結他, 但其實可以用喺真結他果度架! Sweet~
New one for 藍他卡, old one for 玩具版Fender. =)
But the old one is way more expensive ah.
接送MA 的時候, 在車站附近的星巴克買了綠茶Frapp. 嘩, 今次真係"half cup of cream":
不過我覺得都係Blenz 好飲D, 綠茶味濃D.
Suddenly remember that we had the discussion about 謝安琪 with 醫生仔 the other day.
Chose to do wrong.
But you are right, all of us must have from time to time chosen to do the wrong things, purposely & intentionally.
It's not because we don't know what is right; it's because we are unable to do it, and we can't resist the temptation of the wrongs.
Ya, we all know that.
張繼聰is worth the wrong-doing of 謝安琪.
So, who is worth the wrong-doing of yours?
...No, I still can't face it.
I'll be here regardless.
Though, I'm the worst listener in such case.
Sorry... I'm just surprised, then overwhelmed.
Just thought that things shouldn't go this way; yet they do.
I think I thought too much.
How sad.
Not in the mood for left over spaghetti, nor for a nice sleep.
Songs of the Day:
"Of a Broken Heart" ~ Zwan
"Same Mistake" ~ James Blunt
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