Blah 爆炸 Blah 中橋
I mean, 10 年喎?! "Achievement of Life" 丫.
朝早收到"彭太新聞報導", 知道Broadway 凌晨的時候發生爆炸, 仲搞到要封路添!
所以, 我番工的時候改行好耐無行過的6th Ave, 嘩, 多車到chi sin! 平日都係行番Broadway 著數D.
Btw, 都唔知點解喺細Broadway 果度勁多車, 我仲以為我會遲到添啊!
雖然今日係大霧左少少, 但係大家都唔駛話行得咁慢嘅... @_@"
Thanks Violet for your call! :]
I finally got a chance to start on the stupid variance analysis.
Whatever, I can't concentrate & I’m not good at it anyway. :p
And things could only get worse: 當GLW 同我都係忙到得閒死唔得閒病的時候, Peoplesoft 又唔知搞乜, 今個禮拜的EFT remittance advice, 唔知點解係blank 嘅囉! 所以勁多醫生打電話/ email 嚟問, GLW 同我就受晒罪! #_#"
依兩個禮拜都唔知發生乜事, 全部都係問題, 問題, 問題!!
Things do happen that way, don’t they? 一不離二, so on so forth.
Lunch time 八八卦卦走左去睇爆炸現場, 又真係好動魄驚心! @_@"
尤其是現場係我平時會去的地方(星巴克), 所以覺得份外恐怖.
想起當年我見到火災後的"嘉利大廈", 那種震撼.
Ryan 仔同GLW 真係開口中, "爆炸" 依壇野係真架!
雖然無得食ramen, 不過有得去Tapastree 都好啦! 趁臨走前, 我要試多D 餐廳嘛! 嘻嘻~
唉, 雖然唔係church event, 但係都唔可以飲得咁醉架. 幸好係我嗟, otherwise?!
不過, 都算叻喎, 都仲認得路又行到路, 勁! 果然係出慣嚟玩飲7 個shooters 果D 喎.
食飯同睇show 都搵到free parking, 真係好.
今次才是我第二次睇中橋show, 印象中以前好似有多D 歌星表演咁呢.
Thanks Carmen for the tix, 去左幾次concerts, 今次都係第一次正中望住個台咋! :]
仲有, 原來Eman 口中10 個得的Theresa, 又真係好靚喎!
近距離見到明星 - 係志偉哥.
Are we too old for the show? 怪唔知得搵極都搵唔到人買我D tix 啦.
回程的時候, 眼訓到呢... =_="
我估我, um, partied out 丫.
Song of the Day:
"酷愛" ~ 張敬軒
對, 酷愛.
愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛, 愛到.
i went to the success show and we were facing the stage as well... guess you were close by?? =p
i bumped into 8 friends during the show... too bad didn't see u ><
yeah, i love hins and justin~
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