Blah 歡送 Blah 咸魚
On Broadway @ Rupert, 竟然離譜到由3 線行車變為1 線, 仲搞到我差D 撞車添啊! 你話City of Vancouver 究竟搞乜呢?! :p
終於都搞掂晒D journal entries, 希望GLW 唔好藐爆我啦!
Hang in there, 都係仲有3 日嗟! 希望過左依個禮拜會好少少啦...
"蕩漾"?! XDDD
哎呀, 大鑊, 俾人見到添!! @_@"
Too bad, 抱恙的CapViv 無得同我地打波. =/
Get well soon, our beloved captain.
"我中意魚..." :]
歡送Sophy @ Viv's place...
其實我真係砌模型大果D 嚟架! :]
件esioN tee, 靚到呢~~~
都仲係無機會; "I only need a chance" 係真架(乜野情況都係?).
有Phillis da 土生人在, 講下英文, 都幾好丫.
That was a nice gathering... 點解要有人走的時候先有nice gathering? =/
"歡送" - 難道真的可以很歡喜地送走我們的朋友嗎?
真係, carpool 都唔可以亂咁泊車架嘛.
Oops, 咸魚... x_x"
頭獎係嚴重重手炮製咸魚tee 一件(都算好啦~).
When one thing goes wrong, everything else goes wrong.
When you are sad about one thing, chances are you will be sad about everything.
I'm sad about my sucky play.
I'm sad about being responsible for losing points.
I'm sad about losing the game that we shouldn't have lost.
I'm sad about the two of them.
I'm sad about SSC was watching the other game.
I'm sad about CapViv was sick & wasn't playing on court with us.
I'm sad about what SSC said in WSB.
I'm sad about Sophy's departure.
I'm sad about our inability to talk.
...but I'll heal over.
Song of the Day:
"Of a Broken Heart" ~ Zwan
I am sad because SSJ is sad=(
cheer up buddy!
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