Blah Hiking Blah 無知
尋晚番到屋企, 打埋Blog, 都已經三點幾, 差不多攬住部電腦訓著咁滯.
今朝當然又唔願起身去補習啦! 10 點補習, 原定9 點起身, 鬧鐘響了無數次("三分鐘後" ringtone), 最後到9:30am 先肯起身. 又趕頭趕命, 不過都整左coffee (I definitely needed it), 又有尋晚買的星巴克cinnamon bun 做早餐(唔好食的, 好硬, 大家千祈唔好買).
補習之後又去左大溫地區最靚最寧靜的地方. 謝謝天父, 一直都以為依個weekend 會勁落雨, 點知今日又出太陽呢!
...原來就只剩下JoJo. 有客人嚟, 當然唔少得去SLS's 強力推介的地方 - Horseshoe Bay. 可惜, 食唔到oyster burger, 而我地叫嘅食物全部都係炸到hum hum 聲嘅野, 很guilty.
今日又著住對星星毛毛鞋做埋D 劇烈運動...
繼上次著住佢嚟打vball 之後, 今日又著住佢嚟hiking. 雖說唔係好heavy 好hardcore 的hiking, 不過星星鞋認真遭殃, 污糟晒! =( 雖然我的潔癖無家姐咁犀利, 不過... 唉~ 可憐的Keds.
無意間睇到SLS 同LHN 歐遊的相片.
That's what I call "the best of frds".
無聊& 無知如我, what can I give?
What a privilege I'm your so-called "JY", as if I could really take care of you. *_*"
What would / should a twenty-something adult know?
The people around me seem to know EVERYTHING: decent places to dine, cool places to hang out, wines, touring in different countries, among others.
What does the ignorant FishLamb know? Eh, basically, nothing.
WTH... =/
But how can I help? Like, read more books? Don't be kidding me... "I don't know... (*2)"
我想今年的差傳年會真的請對了講員. 歷屆的講員唔係唔好, 但填鴨式的訊息似乎已經很多. 我諗西人講員始終係活潑D, 甚至係emotional D.
不過, 我希望我得到的並非只是一顆受感動/ 受震撼的心, 而是訊息的精髓能存在我心裡面.
Thanks Nenson for participating in the "Blahtology 問答比賽"!! :D
勁敵?! -_-"
有圖為證! 真係唔好以為"你睇我唔到, 你睇我唔到~"
其實我已經好收斂, gluo gluo 左好幾次的了. >:p
智哥哥, 加油!
Song of the Day:
"挑戰者" ~ 羅敏莊
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