嘩, 晴朗的一天! 不過, 很冷. 出門口的時候, 草地仲有雪呢. 今日再創高峰, 7:30am 出門口! 哈, 問你怕未? x_x" 咁早出門口, 當然無遲到啦, 但係其實都係用左1+ hr 先番到公司囉! 真係sad 爆! 油針一路跌, 個心跟住跌. 從未試過咁想搬出去住 - 係為番工的緣故.
尋晚見到牛牛msn 個名話"roll up the rim is back!", 先發覺原來又到左this time of the year. 今日小女子先拔頭籌, 贏左coffee 一杯! 承讓, 承讓. 哈, 都未試過第一次買就中獎呢! =) 今日又買左Lemon Cranberry Muffin, 好味. 不過有人嫌佢太黐牙?
番到公司樓下, 見仲有少少時間, 又驚唔記得pray for 小Sheff, 所以就喺黃小寶度祈左個禱先上去. 番左工咁耐都係第一次咁樣做呢! Get my day started with a word of prayer, 真係唔錯喎!
YEAH! 老細話我可以放假! 不過都無地方去, so lame. =p
很想買又很抵買的正tee!! 可惜太大件, 逼於無奈放棄. 唉, 影張相當買左啦:
又有人彈琴彈鬼故喇(right at this moment)... 真係好襯Westport Rd 個feel 喎~
更正啟示: 蠢喎, 今朝沖涼諗下諗下先發覺原來尋晚嘅"Song of the Day" 寫錯左囉! 吳國敬 / Sammi 果首係"愛你是我一生中理想", 而我心目中果首應該係何婉盈嘅! *oo* So pig-head... 不過I don't think anybody cares.
嘩嘩嘩!300,000 個邪... 嚇破膽! @_@"
Song of the Day:
"Beautiful Madness" ~ Stabilo
Oh and madness didn't change
the fact that we fell apart
It could've been love
but we had a rough start
I could've held back
but you were already there
And if you never look back
you never quite care
... 從梁昌屋企尋回的一隻碟, 一隻令我幾日都無聽過95.3 嘅碟.
Very melodic & rhythmic songs, thumbs up!
thanks for your prayer support!
i know i could have never done it without God's help. Thanks for carrying me through with your prayer!
my count is 0/4.....*sob*
hey hey where can you buy that t-shirt? it's cool...and how much is it?
my count is 2/2 as of today!! :)
$7.99 @ Winners!! (kids' size -> but it's a Large, so, too big!)
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