今日崇拜又係果個Uncle 做主席(不是"神是個靈"), 又喺度勁wrap-up -_-". 不過佢今日唱回應詩的時候無讀歌詞, 算好好架喇. 不如下次唔好wrap-up, 索性rap it up 啦! 今日唱詩的時候終於成功distinguish 到兩首6/8 嘅歌! YEAH! 謝謝Carrie, 謝謝Sheffy. 不過因為掛住數beat 而唔記得換slide, so stupid. :p
會友大會, sms 之對話:
C: gonna be so boring...
A: hope some uncles will bring excitement to it
... 哈哈, 最後都沒有甚麼真正的excitement; 感謝Jee, 大會順利完成.
不知從哪來的蠢idea... Exit 4; 嘩, 除左以前團契去生活營會去到咁細嘅 Hwy 1 出口之外, 一般正常人根本係無可能會踏足咁嘅地方囉! 真係荒山野嶺嚟架! 整個路程根本就係一個鬼故, 不過好在司令的指示都算清楚, 順利到達! 10 個嘩... 令人目眩的愛琴海 @_@" 真的唔夠喉, 下次一定要搞個一日遊~ 唉, 又俾Jetsy 撞個正著, 邪~ -_-" 係喎, now that we can both match the phone calls with the mental floor plans~ :)
唉, 最後都搵唔番魚腩波, 好sad!! 仲俾部汽水機食左我兩蚊! 勁黑仔~ =(
嘩, 條路有鬼影架! So scary!! ~_~"
每次想追溯我地嘅chronology 都總是摸不著邊際; 或許這題目正好可以用來kill our dead air? "It takes 2 to tango" (試下自己用廣東話講一次?), 我估我地會好好地發展掛? (又嚟曖昧!) ... 真係每次都令病情日益嚴重; 撈亂骨頭?
WOW!! 恭喜晒Vivi & Simpson!!! =D
Picture of the Day:

"Truly, Madly, Deeply" ~ Savage Garden
song of the day could be:
hey what a coincidence..my church had the annual meeting as well...
the only time i was awake was when they were going thru the financials..
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