**媽媽生日快樂** (plus 早日康復!)
This is not my day. 無gel 頭, 以為都OK, 點知原來極度鬆獅狗. 然後, 臨上車先記得今晚要打波而我又唔記得剃腳毛, 想死! 好在都未到頑劣的地步-_-"...
唔知點解Tim HortonS 果個中國籍cashier 依排見親我都暗暗偷笑, 莫非我塊面有野? 等我搵日鼓起勇氣問下佢究竟有乜咁好笑先.
放 完一日病假咁大把, 我得到10 個voicemails & 11 個emails. 難道我有生之年都唔可以放假? 係呀, VIP - Very Important Pig. 發覺我同Len 的關係越來越有惡化的跡象. 究竟係邊度出問題呢? SIGH. 係啦, 其實可能份工要OT 都唔係最bother 我, 而係個老細最bother 我囉. 事有湊巧地, 今日無啦啦同Todd 講左好多野, 其實佢都算唔錯嘅, 雖然D aunties 就唔係咁中意佢成日check 住晒, 有點身在福中不知福. Well, at least if I'm dying, I'll let him know; whereas, I might not let Len know?? SIGH * 1000 times.
餓左好耐的Gals League 終於捲土重來, 再次感激大家對我的厚愛& 遷就. Well, Vera tried her best to get us the 6th player, I shouldn't complain. 記得小學老師的教誨: 責己以嚴, 待人以寬. 我自問都打得唔好, 應該顧掂自己先, 唉~ 戒掉壞習慣: 1. 走得慢(因為太重); 2. 剎波的時候跳得太前; 3. swear too much. 繼續努力. Jetsy, YOU ROCK! Yet, doesn't mean that you could trick me with a rocket-high ball -_-". Christine 繼續係我地的秘密武器, 真係笑到反肚架. We lost so bad tonight, so next time shouldn't be any worse ba? 謝謝Maria 的造訪.
同細菌一個league, 有了挑戰的對象. 特登上網搵李宇春嚟嘅相, 先至發現原來李宇春嘅輪廓仲girly 過個細菌啊! "該燴"~

And, ask yourself, who influences you the most? 跟風嗎? 歡迎加入博客大家庭, anywayS.
睇Blog 睇到有D 似追肥皂劇, 可怕.
Scissor Sisters 今日出碟呢.
Quote of the Day (for our little Sheffield):
"我仲以為全世界得陳冠希同我識rap '香港地' 添!"
Song of the Day:
"Shiver" ~ Coldplay
haha thanks for the quote, u made my day
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