今日input D 急症室病人資料入system 的時候, 發現左阿Pxxl Dxxxxxl Jxxxe 係同我同年同月同日生架! ... 其實我都唔識佢嘅. 慣性地input data 的時候8 卦地留意人地嘅生日日期& 住址, 雖然無聊, 但比起只顧無聊地工作已經算無咁無聊架喇.
手臂有heat rash ("hot rash"?), very ugly. 又一個夏天, 但幾年來我都未能練到有線條的手臂:(.
練歌又練到想吐. 是生疏了吧? 彈得最差又最無音樂感的都是我.
Hippie, glad to meet you again and hang out at a place where we used to go when we were in Port Moody Senior, though so many changes had taken place during all these years, visible or invisible. Guess this would be the last time we meet this year, take care and have a great time in HK! Would like to see you soon...

Song of the Day:
"No Such Thing" ~ John Mayer
I want to run through the halls of my highschool
??? are u disclosing patient's confidential info in your blog? =p
沉迷聲色犬馬<--u sound like u regret gam bor
aiya... i'm so not pro!
dim suen ho? :(
ho sum ne remove jor the person name la -_-
how's that now? :D
excellent! =p
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