3 日2 夜的Summer Camp, 很enjoy, 不過又好似不及以往般enjoy, 是因為欠缺了左臂右臂嗎? 很唏噓, 很感概, 請勿觸碰.
謝謝讚過我進步了的bro & sis, 我會繼續努力. Leyond rocks the house!
Grace was right, the food sucks, 但我仍然吃了很多很多.
還好我無snore, 無吵醒大公主.
那經常played around with spot lights 的uncle, 真的很disturbing. 還讓我錯怪了Victor, I'm so sorry.
Henry is as funny as ever; 正在壓腿的長跑選手? Nenson, see you in 2 months, enjoy your trip & SoftHard show in HK.
歐榮記晚飯, 吃了妙手仁心III 經常提到的"豬骨粥"; 想起黃Mon 話, "你個frd 講果單野係真架播!".
Song of the Day:
"Shout to the Lord" ~ PMPGC Worship Team
苦練的成果係成功彈到轉tempo 的部分, 但升key 的部分一個chord 都彈唔到, what a shame, haha! But I indeed enjoyed the Closing Ceremony so so much.

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