復活節聯合崇拜, 我知醒起身9:15am 番到教會set up 啊, 好叻. 幾百人喺同一個時間崇拜, 很有一家人的感覺, 好感動. I'm happy enough though I played suck :p.
Leyond 食lunch 的時候話星期一喺North Van 見到我架車, 原來我同阿Mon 去Lonsdale Quay 的時候將架車泊喺街位度, 而果個位就正正係Leyond 公司樓下! 嘩哈, 去到咁遠都會俾人見到, 所以呢, 任何時候都要檢點D, 哈哈!
下午有浸禮, 恭喜晒Mandy, 表妹, Jen & Alex 仔. Alex 仔的見證有點令人摸不著頭腦, 不過, 總算good try. Hi, Deakin!
Nice dinner with 梁昌@ 曉高餐廳, 我都好耐無去過果度食野lu! *THANKS* 個侍應個額頭好油膩-_-" 飯後終於去左Cheesecake etc, 又抵食又好食(compared to Convention Centre...). 一反常態叫左最貴的Chocolate Cheesecake with Strawberries, 仲有Today's Special (Cheesecake with Brandy & Peach), 十分滿足. 依排食左勁多甜品, 勁大鑊!

Nice chatting in Mazda 3... 我們見證了爛地變成town house 的經過; isn't that something treasurable? 想起Ketchup 的歌, "Sweet-Smelling".
Song of the Day:
"Desire" ~ Zwan
Wish you'll enjoy the album as much as I do.
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