今朝番到公司樓下, 泊好車之後先發覺原來我missed 左公主嘅call. 當時我心裡不禁一寒, 害怕係有乜野壞消息. 番到office 急不及待checked 下公主有無留言; 無. 然後心大心細唔知好唔好打番俾佢; 最後我都鼓起勇氣拎起電話打俾佢. 聽到佢接電話把聲都幾平靜, 同平時差不多, 我都放心左少少. Thanks God, 好消息: 公主's daddy 終於肯信主喇! 我聽到之後都覺得好感動, 畢竟我都曾經為依件事祈禱左好多次. Thanks God for answering our prayers & collecting our tears. 算是"Good News of the Day" 吧! Probably "Good News of the Year"!
最初過嚟4th floor 做野, 大家都應該記得我有好多怨言, 又成日數住數住仲有幾耐先可以過番去2nd floor. 到左而家, 當我知道我仲有唔夠兩個禮拜就要過去A/R 的時候, 竟然有D 唔捨得. 坦白講我唔係點樣唔捨得D 人, 但我真係唔捨得4 樓咁free 的environment, 同埋我份Sessional Billing 工作. 聽日同後日會係我最後的蜜月期, 然後下個禮拜就要帶住個新人, 再然後就係我死期喇.
去到補習社先至知道因為Spring Break 的關係唔駛補習! 但係事前完全無人通知我囉! -_-" *搵笨* 條氣唔順, 結果我就留喺補習社填好份CGA 申請表格. 係咪有D 奇怪點解我又無啦啦"又" 積極左呢? 因為尋日我同Cass 講起我下個禮拜會train Roxanne(i.e. "搶" 左我個位果個人), 我話我驚我唔識train 佢, 又怕D 野會交代得唔清楚. 可能Cass 以為我話驚Roxanne 搞唔掂, 然後佢就話, "Oh she's a CGA student, so she should be smart." +_+" 原來"CGA student" 都ok 大晒架! CGA "STUDENT" 咋播! 我遞完表, 俾佢assess 過之後, 交下會費, 我都係啦! 某程度上, 我虛榮架... 我唔覺得我真係好鐘意Accounting, 我又唔覺得我真係好想做高層攬多D 責任上身; 我淨係貪個名咋. 救命, 撻得死人. 我墮落了.
尋日聽收音機轉播一個香港時事評論員講野, 佢竟然將"李宇春" 講左做"李春宇" ("春雨"?), 反肚.
去年今日, 應該已經剪左個好平(= cheap, not flat) 嘅髮, 但係又未買Gatsby, 搞到無晒自信, 試衫時連鏡都唔敢照. 然後不知廉恥同D 學生仔喺旺角中心爭路行, 搶購Converse.
Song of the Day:
"人到無求" ~ Blue Jeans
貪mo虛榮<--see!!!u want to a CGA student cuz u wanna be "high"!then why u didn't agree about my "evening factory worker"theory?ppls kept asking me"why u dun change ur job?""why u dun find a job in a bigger company?"blah blah blah...please understand how annoying is it!
sorry..i missed"be" before "to a CGA"
if u have all the courses, why dun u just go for CA?
fw 是 Fat Woman 嗎?
It's the matter of how well your friends know about your job...
Do they know you make 1.5 OT pay by sitting at the corner doing nothing?
Do they know you've got something called STOCK OPTION?
Do they know you've got a 30% salary raise right after the 1st year?
Oh come on...
其實我諗左好耐都唔知CA 同CGA 有乜大分別.
我一向都覺得CA 好過CGA,
但係近排又唔知點解傾向CGA 多D.
不過我都仲有幾科要take 架!
I don't have all the courses yet...
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