Blah EI Blah 無行
FishLamb is not happy. =/
Okay, so I have been notified that I cannot live on EI due to my stupid freaking relocation.
Now I gotta get a job before 乾塘.
What the heck... What kind of stupid government is that, which has no mercy at all on a disturbed F.O.B. housewife?! =(
My morning was tragic...
收到了EI 的信件之後, 已經好唔開心, 打後的兩個鐘頭我仲要以為我唔見晒成疊gift cards!! @_@"
幸好最後都喺一個意想不到的地方搵番. *phew*
以為我夢寐以求的NDS 無著落添! (Thanks to all the Best Buy gift cards, 哈!)
媽媽同媽媽去同教會的ATS 飲茶, 我就同爸爸去Wal-Mart 購物兼食老麥 - 哈, 好似好耐無食過老麥? 還記得我是WestSis 口中"狂食老麥的新娘"...
去Wal-Mart 買左guitar stand - 想起我在Coquitlam 的Wal-Mart 幫SSC 買guitar stand, 腦海裡一直響起Eason 的"快高長大"... :D
So, guitar stand 卻不是為藍他卡而設的, 而係:
把心一橫, 拎左封衰野EI 信去換車牌, 今次終於可以算做有住址證明喇! :p
BC 牌給沒收了... =( 哎呀, 早知幫佢影幅相先啦! =(
下午趕頭趕命煮意粉今晚拎去牧師屋企pot luck 兼pre-study.
原來我屋企無一個大煲的, 煮得勁辛苦. :p
係時候要拎D Sears gift cards 去買野了.
Btw, MA 仲話我煮得唔夠多, 哈, 而家食剩果D 睇怕你要食晒佢lu.
...還未讓我的啟蒙老師Cooking HH 試我的手勢呢... =/
Had a great time @ Pastor Dan's home, the pre-study was kind of fun.
都係果句, Journey 裡面會起鬨的人實在太多了, 大概有90% 吧... 牧師都R 晒頭, 哈哈.
還沒有信心可以get along.
從"東南" 往"西北", 都才是30 mins, Cowgary 看來不算大.
BUT I still miss Vancouver. =/
Song of the Day:
"大懶堂" ~ LMF
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