Blah EI Blah 剪髮
FishLamb is having a haircut today, like after 2+ months.
數下數下, 已經嚟左Cowgary 4 日咁大把了.
時間尚早嗟, MA 已經好話我日光日白之下"仲未" 識得渣車從我地屋企去佢爸爸媽媽屋企. =/
咁harsh. :p
尋晚去7 仔買左電話卡, 終於可以同SSC 講下電話. :D
I miss your voice ah...
MA 今日一早就要番工(like, left home at 5am). 我就10am 左右起身, 食cereals, 搞下屋企野.
大家唔洗擔心喎, 我獨處的時候都唔會亂諗野的.
似乎relocation 真的entitle 拎EI 架喎! 係就好喇, 幫補下多少都好丫! =)
忍左好耐, 今日終於有機會剪髮lu!
之前有一次過嚟Cowgary 探親的時候都已經搵過果個阿姐剪, SSC 猛話好睇.
今日阿姐繼續激爆, 很重手的說...
我好像後生了10 年, 自覺有點像某個時期的Ellen, 哈哈哈!
Re-enrolled 左CGA, $640 大元.
WTH... (Yes, 睇怕我每年都要bark 一次 - 而且我當下係一個失業人士啊!!)
看來老媽都幾沉迷Facebook 呢...
希望我不會太沉迷啦 - I should make better use of my time. :p
Ellen 說, "我的偶像是林二汶".
她倆, 真的sweet 到不得了.
...慶幸我也有如此的一個sweet gal 在我身邊 - 不怎麼遠, 大概只相差173 個highway exits.
I treasure & miss you a lot.
Song of the Day:
"洗剪吹" ~ 吳浩康
your hair style is so 樣衰!?!? just looks like a tomboy!! u dont like like a female now... just look like some boy girl... take care!!
i like ur hair style!!!
btw i was looking at pictures for slide show.....and found lots of pic of us in HYS....
when we had the "Aaron Kwok" hair style....
ur hair look good ah! nice nice =) ur brother is so mean... hahahaha... =p
like it or not, i'm still gonna be me.
thanks to those who like it, and those who don't like it as well.
看來老媽都幾沉迷Facebook 呢...
希望我不會看來老媽都幾沉迷Facebook 呢...
希望我不會太沉迷啦 - I should make better use of my time. :p - I should make better use of my time. :p <--- since you are on facebook, your update occupied my "homepage updates" la... hahhaha pls define "太沉迷" la Cin... hahhaa
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