Blah 生日 Blah 忙碌
FishLamb is wishing myself a Happy Birthday.
Phone calls: SSC, BBB, 哥哥, Miss, Auntie, 淳淳, May, 蘇菲亞
SMS - Violet, MongLam, 家姐, SSC, (MA?)
Emails - Vivi, BB, 老鼠
Blog Msg - 倩姨, Anna 妹妹
Thanks for keeping me on your mind!!
12 點正打電話俾我的有SSC & BBB; how can I not make both of you my Maid of Honor?? :D
Love you gals.
So, my last birthday as a SINGLE... Why would I spend it with MA like all my birthdays afterwards?? XD
去左搵王子的御用髮型師book 時間喺婚禮果日幫MA set 頭.
發覺到D 髮型師都總會彈下你個頭架喎, 哈哈! 不過俾人彈得最多嘅就梗係W 叔叔啦.
12noon - Doctor's appointment - 講左好多個月的婚前身體檢查.
阿伍醫生好似有少少求其, 寫紙俾我地驗血都只係驗HepB & 地中海貧血. -_-"
驗血之前去食個lunch, 剛好病入膏肓的SSC 竟然有番工, 所以撞正時間可以一齊去Hon's 食個lunch.
都算係同我慶祝生日啦, 哈哈哈!
快D 好番啦, 仲等緊妳同我在慶祝的.
不過生日流流俾人抽血好似怪怪的. :p
之後又要去整Marriage Certificate, 點知"同發" 隔嚟果間Coast Capital 無開! 咁我地就跟指示去Superstore 隔嚟果間啦, 點知果間又唔issue Marriage Certificate 架喎! :p
不過D staff 好好人, 幫我地上網搵下邊間有得整, 但係一係就要去到Downtown, 一係就去Pitt Meadows. 都無辦法啦, 唯有鏟入Pitt Meadows... 其實車程唔算長, 只係20mins 左右, 果度附近嘅路好似美國咁, 真係, 一東一西都係好似去旅行咁嘅呢.
(點知後來我上網搵到Coquitlam 有D "公正人" 都issue Marriage Cert 嘅囉! Ah Chur! -_-")
去到間野之後, 好唔好彩得一個真正嘅staff + 一個好junior 嘅staff(即係乜都做唔到的), 而剛剛喺我地前面個client 又要搞D 好複雜的保險野, 搞左差不多成個鐘!! MA 等到黑晒面(well, cuz we are supposed to check out furniture after that & need to rush to airport as well)... =(
又真係好唔抵嘅, 明明我地果樣野只需要15mins 去整, 但係等候嘅時間就好長, 唉~ 煩丫!
整完Marriage Certificate 之後, 已經係放工時間, 不過感謝Jee 我地由Pitt Meadows 出嚟都唔係太塞車. 不過最後只可以番屋企執埋D 野, 然後就要直接去機場喇, 無得睇傢私. =(
落到Richmond, 去Daiso 買左少少野, 然後喺Food Court 食車仔麵. 車仔麵做birthday dinner 都幾好丫, 最緊要有風沙雞翼嘛! =D
然後, 又said goodbye to MA... 下次再見, 已經係結婚前一個禮拜了, OMG!! O_o"
2nd half of my birthday dinner: 同爸爸媽媽去打冷.
媽媽本來堅持堅持要去食all-you-can-eat (hotpot or Japanese food), 最後俾我極力反對. I really can't take all-you-can-eat THREE nights in a row!!
其實餐飯我食得唔係咁開心, cuz I found my mom tends to criticize my choice in most situations. Is that simply because it's not HER choice?! ...I should be glad that she chose MA even before I did. =p 都算是天父保守吧??
I felt bad that I lost my temper, especially on such a special night on which I got to celebrate birthday with my parents... 但有時真係好難忍... =(
Anyway, 最後一個在Vancouver 慶祝的生日, 有爸爸媽媽陪我, 都算是good ending 啦.
哈哈, 謝謝CapViv 的邀請, 可惜我無機會去試下印度cocktail 呢!
Once again, 謝謝各位的祝賀& 禮物!
Song of the Day:
"My Happy Ending" ~ Avril Lavigne
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