Blah 婚禮 Blah Whistler
半夜起左身之後, 執好晒搞好晒D 野, 然後就再訓過.
9 點幾起身去補習, 累得要命~
補完習之後匆匆回到家中, 換衫趕去Fanshi & Eric 的婚禮.
爸爸媽媽極力游說我同佢地carpool 去, 但我今次真係一定要做衰女, 因為我無理由從東往西then 西往東then 東往西again 架嘛... *SORRY*
一切從簡的婚禮, impact 還是一樣大的. 掌聲在細小的教堂內回響, 別有一番感受.
老實說, 婚禮, 又何必搞得好大呢... @_@"
哈哈, 訓勉嘛... 大家的想法都很一致; picked it up!
媽媽的出現, 引來轟動?
Anyways, CONGRATS to Fanshi & Eric again!!
May God bless your new family.
婚禮之後, 去買蛋糕, 然後去污糟豬屋企換衫(仲俾人見到我的"大陸lay" look), then headed to SSC's home.
A4 都要泊街, 真慘. 起初我仲panic 左一陣, 因為點"禁" 個remote 都無反應, 我仲諗我係咪應該渣番WSB 入Whistler?
幸好經SSC 提點之後, 順利開到車門& 車尾廂(& thx to MA's Golf, so now I know how to open the door of an Audi!).
So here I go, driving to Whistler all by myself in an A4!! :D
還是頭一次自己一個人開車往Whistler, 沿路風光一個人觀賞, 其實也蠻enjoy 的.
有D 野, 唔試過, 都唔知自己可以. Thanks for SSC's trust & making this possible!!
聽著雜錦精選碟, 開了10 場個人演唱會, 沒有釣魚, 叻~
Audi 真的是luxury car, 好渣到呢~ 開到成120km/hr 都好穩陣, 好正.
大概個半鐘就從West Van 抵達Whistler, 沒有蕩失路 - 反正也只有一條直路.
(Btw, wonder if they can finish the 工程 before 2010?! 唉, 加拿大...)
Glad to see you guys in Whistler: SSC, 家姐, JoJo, Vela, Maggie, & Chris. [真係, 當正自己係佢地團友咁?!]
Chris is always 慘, 今次係3 pairs + 1 guy, 哈哈, 慘到呢~
戴白色眼鏡的Maggie 有點"6 Wing" feel. XD
幸好有朋友仔陪SSC 率先滑了一日雪, otherwise, 悶爆丫!
Thanks for waiting for me for the whole day though... :]
Hanged around in Whistler Village with SSC, got some alcohols, got 牛牛雪糕 for Vela...
I mean, SSJ & SSC @ Whistler wor! Can you believe that? (Seriously, I can't.)
The suite is nice, close to "市集", extremely 方便.
而且也很寬敞, 7 個人逼埋一齊hotpot 都唔覺得逼"gib". Good choice, SSC~
漏夜趕路的人們, 真有點叫人擔心.
希望訓futon 的我們會有覺好訓(在洗碗碟機發出的海浪聲的襯托下).
I mean, 我可唔可以打埋個message 先呢?
Song of the Day:
"一人同遊" ~ 張柏芝
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