Blah 試身 Blah 日遊
My bed...
尋晚SSC 咳到差D 連個肺都嘔埋出嚟... 慘~
I didn't feel annoyed, I was just worried.
Wish you did sleep well last night; but I guess you never do whenever you are here. =/
Poor thing.
After we soaked in the openness in the air, there went the 不能說的秘密.
"我以前呢, 係黑社會嚟架..."
"我以前呢, 賣白粉架..."
會不喜歡我嗎? =/
原定同爸爸媽媽一齊去Burlington 睇婚紗的, 但係爸爸唔得閒, 媽媽又懶洋洋唔想起身(然後又俾我勸佢唔好去), 所以最後都係得我同SSC 兩個去(which is great, haha!).
Breakfast @ 彭家, cinnamon waffle & home-made Tim HortonS coffee (which turned out to be a bit too dark). 不好意思, 沒有什麼驚天動地的早餐. -_-"
So this is how this BLESSED journey began...
臨時臨急先至將去Burlington 的directions print 出嚟(因為原本媽媽就係一部人肉GPS, 不過佢唔去), 但最後都順利去到美國關口 - 原來真正的路線比起directions 直接很多.
之前都有D 擔心我地會唔會太遲出門口 - 車程還可以預算, 但delay @ Border 真的無得預計.
結果喺關口只等了大概15 分鐘, wow, 感謝Jee! Well, I know it's MONDAY and there shouldn't be any severe delay; but then who knows?!
關員問我去Burlington 做乜, 我話shop for my wedding gown, 佢有同我講CONGRATULATIONS 呢~
縱然我是100% 的路盲, 但有醒目的SSC 在旁, 簡單直接的就去到Cascade Mall, 抵達時間才是下午12 點幾(appointment @ 1:30pm). 仲可以有時間去隔嚟的Outlet 買野, 哈哈~
之後我地又喺Cascade Mall 行左一陣, 仲有時間去AE 試衫又盛. 然後, 睇一睇個mall 的directory, 先至發現原來David's Bridal 唔係exactly 喺個mall 裡面, 幸好我地剛剛喺Service Desk 附近, 所以好快就問到點樣行過去, 不過SSC 問direction 的時候都難掩panic 的情緒. XD
@ David's Bridal...
1. 感謝Jee 為我預備左一個很合適的sales associate - 即係比較young D 咁啦, 同埋我又好怕work with D 好鬼婆的鬼婆... 真係, 未求之先, 神已預備.
2. 佢問我chests size 的時候有點尷尬吧... =_="
3. OMG, finally I got to try on my dream wedding gown!! @_@" 之前有喺Vancouver 睇過其他, 但係無乜邊件自己真係覺得好中意, 反而一直對牛牛sent 俾我睇果條情有獨鐘, 教我一直念念不忘. 但之前都有D 擔心, "恨" 左咁耐的一條gown, 又要特登請假落去美國睇, 如果最後見到佢同我想像不相符, 恐怕我會既失望又陣腳大亂吧! 不過, 今日一試, 我真係好中意啊! :D SSC 都好像很amazed 的樣子, 哈哈! 雖然SSC 覺得另外一條個shape 好似靚D, 但係果條係窗帘布質地(lace), which we don't like. 所以, 最後都係維持原判. It was just as smooth as that; decided too quick?! Well, 我估"中意" 嘅野, 好難講的, right?
4. 同場加映突如其來的伴娘試裙實錄; 哈哈, 擺左SSC 上檯添! 一次過嘛, 反正人已在(可惜BBB 不在... We'll take charge!). 原來睇人試裙真係好興奮好開心架! You surely look good in that dress! =)
5. Back to my gown, 我想要的Ivory 色暫時缺貨, 所以要等到4 月. 謝謝SSC 提醒我4/26 唔可以去pick up! Sorry CapViv, I was too fed up with MY stuff...
6. 埋單的時候, 原來仲有10% off!! Wow... 天父真好.
餓到肚都抽筋咁滯, 去左隔壁的Red Robin 食我地的late lunch.
食食下野, 我突然間極度感動, 情不自禁眼濕濕想喊.
MA isn't around, 若不是有我的SSC, 誰會陪我四處奔波?!
要老遠從Vancouver 走到Burlington 試婚紗, 本來應該會覺得很troublesome 的(尤其是我這路盲). 但有SSC 在, 這旅程成為了a fun trip, 又可以sleepover, 車程也很enjoyable.
除了妳, 誰會LOL @ my 無聊jokes? 誰會跟我拖手行mall? 誰會同我四圍試衫, 買完衫之後又話share 著(tho u & LHN will do that...)?
You are not just a companion, but a PERFECT companion! You double up my happiness, always (變了紅雙喜).
感動得好緊要; 請好好記住我眼濕濕的樣子, 哈~
...Btw, 兩個人去食野, 堅持堅持叫onion rings, 真係錯得好緊要. My bad 丫. =/
終於有機會一試US 老麥的"iced coffee", 好飲!
不過, 哼, 果間麥記D 人的態度差到呢?! 個收銀員完全唔greet 你, 淨係走埋嚟望住你等你order. 另一個人整整下杯cappucino, 整唔掂, 無啦啦走開左又唔同我地交代下發生乜野事. 其他員工見到我地兩個企左喺度成世, 都唔問下我地等緊乜. WTH. *討厭美國人*
But, well, I won't let these s***** people ruin my great day. :]
回程, 過關, 個關員無睇我地個passports, 淨係問我地去邊同埋去左幾耐. Then,
關員: "How much?"
魚: "$90."
關員: "That's too little for you to spend. Don't you need to work on Monday?"
魚: "I took a day off, and she's always off on Monday."
關員: "What? You take a day off to go shopping and you only spent $90?!"
魚: (復述買婚紗的事宜, 我話我今日俾左錢, 但4 月先會pick up 云云)
關員: (問我做乜要去美國睇婚紗, 做乜要而家俾錢, 件婚紗幾多錢 etc etc)
關員: "Make sure you stay for 48 hrs when you go there in April, otherwise, you have to pay tax on that."
...YSL 那本蓋滿印章的passports 才算是一本passport 吧.
哎呀, our relationship is getting even more *abusive*. 死梗喇... x_x"
Btw, thanks for telling me that I look like 黃一山, 黃子華, and an OWL. :p
No, will never get sick of it, never.
很"OVERWHELMED" 的一日... =)
In a positive sense 可以嗎?
謝謝"fian西" 的提議, 你揀的replacement Scripture Reader 真是一個good choice 啊!
謝謝JonJon btw. =)
BBB 覺得我條wedding gown 貴... 我估係因為好多野都係relative 的.
或許在Vancouver 生活的我, 已習慣了這裡比HK 高昂的物價指數.
所以, 都好難compare N.American 的wedding gown with HK 的wedding gown, 只可以compare 喺依邊租/買/邊度租/邊度買. 哈哈, this is life.
況且, 我依條都已經平過其他朋友的gown 差不多一半喇, very thrifty of me already. :]
特別鳴謝牛牛sent 條gown 俾我睇!! And that is really THE ONE! *感激*
Song of the Day:
"幸福號列車" ~ 古巨基
me+you=not just double the happiness, i guess it's 1000x happiness!
no problem...funny thing is i picked a totally different styles.
it feel good...we're planning our weddings in different cities...can't believe we're getting married in the same year.
Right, Cow, I guess we never thought of that when we met in, what, Form 1?! :]
Many thanks, buddy.
SSC, I'm so glad that I have you.
係呀, 我真係好感性架, 雖然一D 都唔性感.
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