Blah VBS Blah (無)溫書
一早一早起身, 番教會幫手VBS Fun Fair. 最後都有差不多10 位"Titus 柚" 番去幫手, 好感動! 謝謝大家付出的努力& 時間, 尤其是Mark 哥, 老遠從Richmond 走入嚟Port Moody, 魚羊萬分佩服.
見到D 小朋友玩得咁開心, 個心都不知幾安慰. I wish my "fellow-Titus 柚" had fun too.
This reminds me of the Summer Camp few years back, which I wasn't supposed to join as it was for the adults fellowship. However, I promised to help out in the children program, so I joined. I woke up on the first day of the camp, regretting that I promised to go, cuz not even one of my friends was going. But then, it turned out I enjoyed the camp a lot, there were lots of fun playing with the kids.
選擇事奉神, 從來無後悔的.
... Fun Fair, reminds me of the Fun Fair in HYS; 有生之年仲有機會join 嗎?

... 丫, 如果真係紋, 紋乜野好呢? 紋個"姿" 字? 紋條魚? 紋隻蟻?
唉呀, 又無join 到團友仔食飯, 因為又係反方向. =/ 越來越離群添! 唔得, 要改改.
我就嚟同"Elim 柚"出去仲多過同"Titus 柚" 出去架喇, 唔掂!
話時話, 點解今日會係反方向, 係因為我一早打算今日去Tom Lee 一趟, 睇下有無合眼緣的結他. 結果, 失望而回啦! 其實今日試過個Yamaha FG720S 都幾中意, 但係咁嘅價錢去買個無plug-in 的結他, definitely 超出我預算. Anyway... 我都係中意Long & McQ much more!!
去左西溫私立圖書館溫書, 雖然去之前胸懷大志, 但結果真的俾MA 講中, 溫左幾多, 心中有數. =_="
終於試到YSLM 的手勢, yummy!! YSLM is so cute~
Eew... 好污糟! 唔知跌左D 乜野出嚟, 仲跌埋入去? @_@"
化妝crash course, wow, amazing!!
我會永遠記得那XO combo. =)
邊個識邊個, 邊個點解識邊個, 邊個唔知識唔識邊個... 其實又與我何干.
同梁昌講左個幾鐘頭電話, 感覺還好.
究竟我需要甚麼stimulation, 才能令我起死回生?? o_o"
Song of the Day:
"祝你愉快" ~ Sammi
係我唔好, 無好好督促你讀書; 不過我其實都有軟硬兼施架喇, 只是你都無動于衷. 所以其實唔關我事架, MA 千祈唔好怪我.
個字條真係應該俾你keep 囉, 但我估都係無用架喇, 因為D 人好忙架嘛! 又要睇結他又要講電話... :p
選擇事奉神, 從來無後悔的.
<-- AGREE! =D
wa! 見倒自己 tim!
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