Blah 細心 Blah 別橋
又嚟Friday the 13th 喎!
今日MNG 照舊冷淡, 又係走都唔講聲; 不過我已經習慣了. Thanks God for a peaceful heart.
細心同事今日又有新搞作! 話說GLW 想買件童裝Star Wars tee 俾佢個仔個朋友做生日禮物, 但係佢之前去左好多地方都搵唔到. 初初細心同事suggest 佢去Zellers 搵, 後來GLW 喺公司打左幾個電話去D 鋪頭度問都問唔到有, 細心同事又幫GLW 打電話去其他地方問囉!! 最搞笑係GLW 同我喺不經意的情況下聽到細心同事打電話去問, 呆左一呆! 唉... 細心同事唔係真係中意GLW 丫呀嘛?? 然後我就諗, 細心同事成日買Miss Vickie's chips 唔係都係因為GLW 話依隻係佢嘅favourite chips 呀嘛? 下...?! ~_~"
Gotta say "SORRY" to my bros & sis, 因為我這主持人的大意, 搞到大家擾嚷左咁耐先有得開始BBQ! 唉, 認真過意唔去! 不過, 我之前以為我淨係負責買食物, 女王會搞掂其他立雜野... 唔, 做唔到細心團友添!
望住個湖, 諗起Gr. 12 同同學仔的BBQ... 有河瑪有寬寬有寬妹有Jazz 仲有MA; 現在, 名符其實的各散東西. 黯然.
嘩哈, 原來Sophia 就係2Ling 所講的1/3 個friend! 又嚟surprise 啊! Wish you had a good time (tho I know you weren't full @all).
BBQ 食物漏汁, 搞到WSB 的座位遭殃, 好SAD! =( 服侍人真係要犧牲的; 點知犧牲了WSB, poor kid.
日落很美, 只欠MA; 想起Eason 的"夕陽無限好".
發覺藍他卡病態一堆堆, 勁SAD... 病入膏肓嗎?! 還要付上多少銀彈才能根治?!
不過, 今晚可以抱著藍他卡練歌, 感覺很好.
其實我很累... =(
會體諒我嗎? 會明白我嗎?
可以選擇的話, 我也寧願不做鐵人.
Song of the Day:
"My Interpretation" ~ MIKA
You did a great job already, I asked all the friends I invited and they all had a good time :) One of my friends came to our fellowship for the very first time, and afterwards she said she would like to be invited to similar future events too. Great job!
"可以選擇的話, 我也寧願不做鐵人." -- this is very depressing. I don't know if I feel what you feel, but when I read that...I can't agree with it more. But add oil la!!
Also, sorry to hear about the sacrifice of WSB...hope you could clean him (he's a boy, right?)
有人認同, 真好.
You add oil too... My 組長is always a 能幹鐵人 la!
WSB is fine - at least 表面上. Gotta ask any enemy that I have, to sit on that 肉汁-soaked seat (to warn you, it's the back seat on the left).
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