主日學遲到了5 min, 因為抵受唔住肚餓, 去左老麥用買1 送1 coupon 買ham & egg mcmuffins.
嘩嘩嘩, Evitata, welcome back!! 每次有朋自遠方來溫哥華, 我都覺得好興奮, 好開心. To my surprise, Evitata 無論樣貌外型都無乜點變! 可能因為係咁, 所以縱使分開左咁耐, 依然感覺好close. :) 謝謝你幫我買的At 17 & Kay CDs, 仲有件人見人讚的jacket! What I got from you doesn't really matter; it matters when I know you had me in your mind @ some points in time. 1,000 thanks & wishing you a nice time off.
蚊蚊, 繼續努力... Know for sure that God is with you, always. It's so amazing that you shared with me, and God spoke to you through the sermon, all within 1hr. :) 大眾傳播媒介, 實會遇到批評架喇! Do your best & do it for God - 將人帶到神面前!
繼唔明點解D 人咁中意將kohe 倒入垃圾桶之後, 又一R 頭鉅獻: 唔知點解好多人一聽完篇道就起身走人架喇! 趕到呢... -_-" 回應詩, 唔唱; 報告, 唔聽; 牧師祝福, 唔要; 握手問安, 唔問. 咁不如就咁借講道錄音帶番屋企聽算啦.
連遲過我媽媽跌親的曹太都已經現身於教會, 我估彭太都係時候要露一露面吧?
次次見面都勁食勁食, unhealthy relationship 喎! Yeah, 陪你grocery shopping 喎! 係, SORRY, 我錯, 因為我所有袋都係可以關埋的, 所以唔知道原來永世開住口嘅袋係一定要放喺地下的. 駛唔駛咁惡? Got nothing from the damn cups again. :p
謝謝WuJodie 的邀請, 夜晚去左AFC 的coffee house. 發覺AFC 所做嘅真係好pro, 由影片到音樂到各樣的編排, 都做得好好. That's true, 基督徒不應被人看扁; 要做, 就要做到最好. 原來今晚個topic 講"寂寞"; 早知應該叫Sophia 嚟啦! ~_~"
金磨坊的"black sesame mousse cake" 好好味 - 倩姨, 你仲欠我金磨坊的cheesecake 啊! 我記得架! =) 結果整晚我就只吃了甜的食物(muffin, tim bits, coffee, chocolate, bubble tea, mousse cake...) - 又肥又無營養. *oo* 唉~ 無得救.
Don't ask me why; 我都唔知點解個mood 怪怪的. 我估demanding 的是我. 但係我知架喎, 所以我寧願唔出聲. 唔justified 嘅野又點會出到聲.
Song of the Day:
"Silent All These Years" ~ Tori Amos
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