FISHLAMB'S MoMoLiu Blahtology

Monday, February 05, 2007

番工的時候忍唔住偷睇Blog, 怪唔知得老細唔中意我啦. -_-" 係好野喎, 一晚裡面寫到4 篇blog posts, 不過就犧牲晒訓覺時間囉? 下次都係試下讀默啦, 我小學果陣默書都幾高分架, 應該OK 嘅~ 謝謝Jetsy 的留言... 係啦, 咁大個人, 真係好難再搵到好close 好close 嘅朋友. That's why I'm so grateful. 不過我今日無無聊聊都諗起esioN, 其實我地嘅感情真係唔錯嘅呢! 而且呢, 我地成隊又真係好夾(外型& 思想); I thank God for my team, you gals are awesome.

都唔記得講尋日唱K 唱左周筆暢的"號碼", 係真係有MV 果種! 長髮look, 勁驚囉! @_@" 基本上係一個男人戴左假髮囉...

1. 又有人email 我問埋晒D 完全唔關我事嘅野, 浪費我時間要懶係好有禮貌咁覆番佢, 其實心裡面真係想reply: I don't know what the heck are you talking about. 唉, 煩少陣當幫忙得唔得? 番工的路上諗, 我想做一D 唔係點需要deal with 人嘅工, 或許我會無咁怕番工.

2. Conference Call 簡直全軍覆沒啦! 就正如Sheffy 講, 有C 又唔去食-_-" (oops, 破壞左Sheffy 嘅型像添!) 勁low b 囉, 我想講野嘅時候, 其他D 人繼續勁講勁講囉! 救命~ 12 個人嘅conference call, 真係明玩野. 老細又覺得我無能啦.

3. 老細下午4 點幾先同我講話佢聽日有meeting, 需要個report, 搞到我要帶埋番屋企做囉. 克星. :p 不過其實都係差少少野嗟, 相比起Jetsy, 真係小巫見大巫.

4. 或許老細真係唔中意我, 憎我想打擊我, 不過今日同過佢一齊attend conference call 之後, 我好似無咁怕佢. 感謝Jee... I know your prayers count, after all. 不過原來老細又係我身邊的另一個邋塌人, 好驚~

謝謝梁星的造訪, 仲有手信添! Thanks for keeping me in your mind during the BUSINESS TRIP. "砰砰蓬猶如暴漲浪潮"... 勁熱氣, 又咬親個嘴. ~_~"

嘩, Fido 都有3 months unlimited calls made to / from Fido & Rogers 喎! 勁開心~ 應該唔止9.5 weeks 掛, 希望至少都捱到4 月尾啦?

真係彈得一手好琴喎(雖然有鬼故歌)... 你彈琴勁過我彈結他200,000 倍喎! 咁計落, 我應該係你粉絲. Too bad I'm already too old to pick up yet another music instrument. 都唔係嘅, 我估學牧童笛都得掛? -_-"

係喎, 原來喺video clip 裡面耍花槍喎! 哈哈哈~ Thanks for 原裝"Porcelain", 好感動!! 真係有對我好喎! :) 雖然你都仲係欠我一世. Btw, 見家長真係掂左喎! 哈!

我同Jetsy 同1 分鐘留comments 呢!

Things don't just happen; God is so good to me. The best-est part is, there were actally moments of confusions, but then things all of a sudden got cleared up magically! In the past week, I've been such a freak in natural high, like riding on the roller-coaster - but still in the escalating part! :)

Song of the Day:
"Keep Holding On" ~ Avril Lavigne
you're not alone,
together we stand
i'll be by your side
you know I'll take your hand when it gets cold
and it feels like the end, there's no place to go
you know I won't give in, no I won't give in
keep holding on 'cause you know we'll make it through
we'll make it through
just stay strong 'cause you know I'm here for you
i'm here for you

又係喺95.3 聽到架喎!
...仍然懷念第一次聽Nat & Drew 的時候亦係第一次聽到"Love You


Blogger sheffield said...




你就好啦, 過左家長果關喎. 我就好"mun", 有人唔中意我....sad.....

2:33 AM  

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