尋晚寫聖誕卡寫到兩點先訓, 今日當然想死咁啦! 太傻了吧, who would actually care if I write him / her a card or not?
Too bad, 朝早特登去7 仔買limited time offer 的"York Mint Latte", 點知依間無得賣囉! 激氣. 好minty 好好飲架!
Sorry Em, can't eat with you at all this week. Nice to hang around tho. 嘩, 都未見過塞到滿晒關唔到蓋的郵箱! 勁! 原來咁多人都同我一樣last minute 先寄聖誕卡呢!
同Keroro 喪逛Best Buy, 試玩左PS2 的結他機, 好鬼難玩! 而且D graphics 好核突 -_-". 忍到手無買碟; 鬼咩, D 試聽嘅機全部down 晒, 抵得佢丫.
期待已久的GGG "結業禮" dinner, 無令我失望啊! 雖然貴, 但係我食左more than 1 dozen of 生蠔, 另加無限sashimi, 抵晒啦! 雖然lunch time 已經K.O. 左盒飯, 但係唔知點解今晚勁餓, 成班人好似出冊咁, 失禮晒! -_-" 我估落單個阿姐都覺得我地大食到有D 難以想像(cuz none of us is really fat). Anyway, 好開心啊! 依個size 嘅group 都唔錯 - 無論係對於食all-you-can-eat 定係對於hang out 嚟講, 都係剛剛好, 唔會好難講野. You gals are awesome! Vela 就好啦, 見到咁多明星, 連何活權咁中意嘅伍衛國都俾你見埋, 哈哈! 唔知點解其他人嘅工硬係似乎interesting 過我果份.

1 點幾... shoot! Better sleep>>>
Song of the Day:
"我和泡麵" ~ 林一峰
好明顯係求其揀的, 哈!
thanks for your christmas card....so sweet of you.....writing cards for everyone
and the vball tag, so cute! thanks!
i am very happy to be the 1st runner up haha!
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