臨訓睇柯南, 嚇得遲遲都訓唔著(我比較膽小...), 新被套又熱到死; 一句講晒, 訓得好差的一晚. 一覺醒來, 已經9:40am 喇! 又skipped Sunday School, 搞到老媽又有位入我. 老實講, 我都覺得自己依排好無心, 禮拜五晚唔想番團契, 尋晚番AWANA 亦係懵下懵下的模樣, 今日又無番主日學.... 看來我需要重整一下. :(
Mark Cole - a very talented musician; thanks for the sermons & the workshop. Yes, we do need some GREAT Christians in different fields. 所以, 牛牛, 會計界& 文化界都靠你喇! 努力啊! 哈哈~
練歌彈得好差丫... There must be something wrong with me. :(
Every city is sin city, after all.
Sansa 一週紀念:

"搖滾小學" ~ Zarahn
遲了十年上 這一節課
忘了熱的血 我也有過
從頭學過 玩一首歌
從頭學過 像我的歌
來召回 往日 去錯了 班房的我
"臨訓睇柯南, 嚇得遲遲都訓唔著(我比較膽小...)"---> wahaha
You didn't go to Sunday school again?!...um
柯南裡面D 殺人場面好恐怖架嘛...
係啦, 唉... :(
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