Skipped Sunday School #AGAIN# Believe me, I do feel so bad. And it was the last class of this "semester" and they had sharing and stuff. Oh no, I'm such a bad student.
在Tom Lee 邂逅了價值$419 的Yamaha 12-string 結他, 很抵買, 很想買.
我地都OK 有緣丫.
25 歲, 應該...
1. 拎LV 袋
2. 買RRSP
3. 開始儲錢買樓
4. 有份permanent 工, 一年at least 有三個禮拜假期
5. 著尖頭鞋
6. 化妝
7. 寫一個文雅的Blog
8. 不再迷戀年紀比自己細的"偶像"
9. 開始考CGA or 諗諗轉份可以賺更多錢又有前途的工
10. 還有更多更多...
... Can I do that? May I not? 這陣子很困擾. 或者, 要令我變得更似一個Adult, 首先要叫我媽咪唔好再喺我打緊波無可能接電話的情況下, 連續called 我12 次問我去左邊. I wanna grow up, but has my Mom ever treated me as a grown-up??!! Won't that hinder my growth?
Song of the Day:
"廢柴同盟" ~ Jan Lamb
信唔信我delete 你D comments 丫拿? Dead Boy Bread... :p
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